NBC declares no debate allowed on climate change, claiming “science is settled” while absurdly asserting that carbon dioxide is a “pollutant”

Even though the supposedly “settled science” about global warming from decades back has since been proven false, as Earth actually appears to be entering a period of global cooling, this hasn’t stopped the mainstream media talking heads from continuing to spread mindless drivel about the impending threat of “climate change.”

During a recent segment of Meet the Press, NBC host Chuck Todd went on a deranged tirade about those who deny the existence of man-made climate change, insisting that there can be no further argument about the matter because the “science is settled.”

“We’re not going to debate climate change, the existence of it,” Todd declared, adding his baseless opinion that “the Earth is getting hotter, and human activity is a major cause, period.” Todd went on to decry “climate deniers,” reiterating that “the science is settled, even if political opinion is not.”

For more news about the Leftist obsessions with climate change, be sure to check out ClimateScienceNews.com.

Outgoing California Governor Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown joins Chuck Todd in fear-mongering about global warming

Not to be outdone in the lunatic department, outgoing California Governor Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown made an appearance on Todd’s show to pour even more fuel on the fear-mongering fire, declaring that global warming is a serious threat “akin to what Americans faced at the beginning of WWII,” to quote ZeroHedge.com.

“[N]ot even close, and not close in California, and we’re doing more than anybody else, and not close in America or the rest of the world,” Brown stated, using bizarre terminology to try to get the point across that California, more than any other state and the federal government, is taking the lead in addressing man-made climate change.

“We’ve got to get off this idea, ‘it’s the economy, stupid.’ No, it’s the environment,” he added, again trying to make some kind of point using the strangest language possible.

Democrats launching full-scale “Green New Deal” to tackle global warming and topple President Trump

It’s all part of the Democrats’ ridiculous “Green New Deal” agenda that aims to escalate climate change and global warming to the forefront of Leftist politics – even though doing so is completely pseudoscientific and, at this point, humorously passe.

As revealed by The Daily Caller, incoming New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is spearheading the Green New Deal, which appears to be about the only trick the Left Cult has up its sleeve to try to regain a political majority in the coming years.

The Green New Deal is also one of the Left’s primary weapons in trying to take down President Donald Trump, which every Leftist who’s given a microphone has indicated is not in agreement with the tenets of their climate change conspiracy theories, and thus must be impeached.

“[President Trump] is very convinced of his position,” Brown added during his Meet the Press monologue. “And his position is that there’s nothing abnormal about the fires in California or the rising sea level or all the other incidents of climate change.”

In a lead-up to his potential bid for the 2020 presidency, far-Left billionaire “philanthropist” and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg echoed Brown’s sentiments, stating:

“I will be out there demanding that anybody that’s running has a plan. And I want to hear the plan, and I want everybody to look at it and say whether it’s doable.”

For more related news, be sure to check out ClimateAlarmism.news and GlobalWarming.news.

Be sure to also check out this article by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, explaining how carbon dioxide is an important nutrient, and not a “pollutant” like the Leftist mob claims.

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