Antifa tested “no-go zones” in Nashville as domestic terrorist group plans to ramp up violence against conservatives

In 2016, when the FBI and Department of Homeland Security identified members of Antifa as engaging in acts of domestic terrorism, mostly via attacks on supporters of then-GOP presidential candidate and nominee Donald J. Trump, critics of the Obama administration were questioning why more wasn’t done to target members of the organization and shut it down.

The designation was clear and both agencies had been monitoring Antifa members for some time:

Federal authorities have been warning state and local officials since early 2016 that leftist extremists known as “antifa” had become increasingly confrontational and dangerous, so much so that the Department of Homeland Security formally classified their activities as “domestic terrorist violence,” according to interviews and confidential law enforcement documents obtained by POLITICO.

According to federal law, specifically 18 U.S. Code, the term “domestic terrorism” is defined as activities that “involve acts dangerous to human life” and “appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping” within the jurisdiction of the United States.

It is clear that Antifa members have done one or all of these things. Yet not a single member of the group has been charged with domestic terrorism. And now the group is once again engaging in similar acts. 

As Big League Politics reported in recent days, members of Antifa tested setting up “no-go zones” in Nashville over the New Year’s holiday, areas that were first mainstreamed by radical Muslim groups in Europe.

In a since-deleted Facebook post, Jam City Antifa attempted to establish so-called “Anti-fascist zones” over New Year’s, a term members often use to describe supporters of POTUS Trump and conservatives. (Related: Radical left-wing group Antifa has its roots in Nazi Germany.)

The post called for “free engagement” against anyone members consider ‘fascists’ in areas of the city that were circled on a map.

Big League Politics notes further:

The driving force for these activities came from two fronts. First was a rumored meet-up of the conservative-leaning fraternal group Proud Boys, which Nashville-area Proud Boy Matthew Walter has confirmed to Big League Politics as non-existent. Along with the non-existent Proud Boys meet-up, the Antifa group was targeting the city due to the presence of Fox News personality Tomi Lahren, who was broadcasting her show from a Nashville bar.

Antifa has a lot in common with violent Muslim factions in Europe

A statement on the group’s website confirmed that members were in Nashville over the New Year holiday as they sought to prevent Proud Boys members — which the FBI has not designated a domestic terrorist group, despite Leftist attempts — from having a nice time in the city. 

It should be noted that the establishment of ‘Anti-fascist zones’ are a blatant attempt by Antifa members to “intimidate,” coerce, “influence,” or “affect the conduct” of both citizens and governments, as no doubt had there been trouble on New Year’s Eve because of these zones, local police — an extension of local government — would have had to get involved.

As for the history of these zones, even German Chancellor Angela Merkel has acknowledged them — and the fact that they were established to keep non-Muslim Europeans out of sections of their own cities.

And, in fact, these radicalized Muslim factions are known to use violence to enforce those self-imposed zones.

Sound familiar? 

Like violent Islamic groups that have been allowed to invade Europe, authorities in the U.S. have allowed violent Antifa factions to not only exist but to flourish and to behave in ways that are in obvious defiance of federal laws against domestic terrorism.

The questions then become: At what point will they have pushed too hard? At what point will the Trump administration decide Antifa is a legitimate threat to the civil society?

Read more about the growth and spread of Antifa at

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