As “climate change” fear mongering falls apart, 2018 goes down as the first year in history with no violent tornadoes

Climate change alarmists can say whatever they want when talking about the future. They choose their words to scare people, and when they’re talking about what could happen 50 or 100 years from now, many of them know that they will never be held accountable for their irresponsible comments when their doom and gloom predictions fail to come to fruition. However, we are already starting to see some of their more short-term predictions fall apart.

As 2018 draws to a close, experts say this year will go down in history as being the first on record that did not experience any high-end twisters, with not a single violent tornado touching down anywhere in the United States all year and the 10 tornado deaths noted this year vying to become a record low.

Why is that relevant? Many experts and climate change alarmists alike have long held that global warming will lead to more frequent and powerful tornadoes. Trapping heat with greenhouse gases, the theory goes, adds energy to the atmosphere in the form of moist, warm unstable air that forms tornadoes.

If you take a look at former President Barack Obama’s second inaugural speech in January 2013, you’ll see that he said global warming and climate change were causing “raging fires, crippling drought, and more powerful storms.” Incidentally, the year before, 2012, saw the number of tornadoes hit a ten-year low of just 936.

In 2013, National Geographic reported that there hadn’t been any increase in stronger tornadoes, and they even mentioned a possible decrease in the number of tornadoes in the two strongest categories, EF4 and EF5.

Not surprisingly, Al Gore voiced his support for Obama’s comments at the time, taking the opportunity to call for the regulation of emissions in an interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell while dodging questions about the hypocrisy of the $500 million sale of his Current TV to Al Jazeera, which is funded by the oil-producing country of Qatar. He also reiterated the need to act quickly to avoid a global warming disaster.

He might want to consider getting a new crystal ball because his track record when it comes to predicting the environmental future is quite poor.

Climate change alarmist predictions failing to pan out

Ten years ago, Gore publicly stated that the North Pole ice cap would be gone within five years, stirring up alarm among people who are concerned about the environment and lack the scientific know-how to question how he reached that conclusion. It wasn’t the first time he had made such a claim, either, and lots of people simply assumed he knew what he was talking about.

Now that those five years have long passed, it’s safe to say that he got it completely wrong as the polar cap is still well intact. In fact, when the five-year period he mentioned hit in 2013, the polar ice cap was at the highest level it had been since 2006, with satellite photos from NASA showing a 60 percent increase in the polar ice sheet’s size a year later. He had also stated in 2006 that the world would get to “a point of no return” in the next ten years – another prediction that failed to pan out.

Now that another year is wrapping up and will soon be in the record books, it will be interesting to see just how many other ridiculous climate change fear-mongering “predictions” will fall apart.

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