Planned Parenthood hates babies so much that its own pregnant employees are subject to routine abuse and discrimination

The world’s largest provider of murder for women wanting to eliminate their unborn children is now being exposed for abusing and discriminating against its female employees who choose to actually birth their babies and give them a chance at life, rather than tear them to shreds inside the womb.

A scathing report published by The New York Times reveals that female employees at Planned Parenthood death centers all across the country are being routinely mistreated for choosing to support life – and such mistreatment, reports indicate, violates state and federal laws that prohibit discrimination against pregnant women.

According to various ex-employee accounts, some women who got pregnant while working for Planned Parenthood were denied rest breaks as recommended by their doctors. Others were denied promotions, or even fired after returning to work following their legally-allowed maternity leave.

“Many women said they were afraid to announce a pregnancy at work, sensing they would be seen as abandoning their colleagues,” the Times report indicates, adding that “managers in some locations declined to hire pregnant job candidates, refused requests by expecting mothers to take breaks and in some cases pushed them out of their jobs after they gave birth.”

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In many cases, potential employees at Planned Parenthood have had to lie about their future pregnancy plans, or claim they were “gay” or “single” in order to even be considered for the position. The only way to be a part of Planned Parenthood’s company culture, in other words, is to deny pregnancy at all costs.

“It was looked down upon for you to get pregnant,” stated Carolina Delgado, a former employee at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Miami who says she was afraid of getting pregnant while working for Planned Parenthood because of how the organization despises procreation. “I don’t think that any supervisor had to literally say it for us to feel it.”

At Planned Parenthood clinics in California, upper management actually tries to determine whether or not existing employees might become pregnant in the future. Those who are deemed ‘possible pregnancies’ are not given promotions, while others are demoted or even fired.

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Whether in New York, North Carolina, Texas, or elsewhere, Planned Parenthood employees have all indicated similar experiences: Getting pregnant while working for Planned Parenthood is a big no-no – unless, of course, women employees who become pregnant opt to abort their unborn children.

When questioned about such policies, Planned Parenthood has tried to use the excuse that pregnant female employees can’t be treated well because of the constant threat of the organization being “defunded by conservative lawmakers.”

In other words, Planned Parenthood is using the lack of finances as an excuse for discriminating against its pregnant female employees. Except there’s just one problem: Planned Parenthood continues to rake in more cash then ever, including from taxpayers.

“… Planned Parenthood boosted its profits by $21 million – 27 percent – from the year before as the group also took in nearly $544 million in taxpayer funding,” writes Dr. Susan Berry for

At the same time, Planned Parenthood is performing fewer prenatal services than perhaps ever before, further indicating that the organization is not about providing “pregnancy services,” but is rather dedicated almost solely to murdering unborn babies in the womb on the taxpayers’ dime.

“The number of prenatal services during 2016-2017 dropped to 7,762 – a 17 percent decline from the 9,419 performed during 2015-2016,” Dr. Berry adds. “In 2014-2015, Planned Parenthood claimed 17,419 prenatal services.”

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