Radical Democrats increasingly want to raise tax rate to 90% for “rich” Americans

Ilhan Abdullahi Omar (Muslim-Somalia), the infamous hijab-wearing socialist from Minnesota’s 5th district, has an idea for how to fund the Democrats’ multi-trillion dollar utopian vision for the New America: just tax the “rich” at 90 precent of their incomes.

During a recent interview, Omar, whose views and values stand in stark contrast with what our Founding Fathers envisioned for a free and just society, openly stated that she believes the “rich” need to “pay their fair share” – which in her mind means forcing them to hand over almost all of their hard-earned wealth to the federal government.

“There are a few things that we can do,” Omar stated during a segment of “Through Her Eyes,” a weekly half-hour show on Roku hosted by “humanitarian and women’s rights activist Zainab Salbi that aims to explore a hot button news issue through the lens of a female newsmaker.”

“One of them, is that we can increase the taxes that people are paying who are the extremely wealthy in our communities. So, 70 percent, 80 percent, we’ve had it as high as 90 percent. So, that’s a place we can start,” Omar added, revealing how she plans to fund socialism on a mass scale throughout America.

For more news about the socialist takeover of our nation, be sure to check out Treason.news.

Omar: let’s give rid of national defense and put all tax money towards “education” and “healthcare”

Like fellow socialist traitor Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Communist-New York), Omar believes that Americans who work hard and reap the benefits of their labor should be forced at gunpoint to relinquish nearly all of their earnings to government goons for mass redistribution to the “poor.”

Omar would also like to see America’s defense budget substantially reduced in order to pay for what she describe as “education” and “healthcare.”

“I’m also one that really looks at the defense budget that we have,” Omar – who’s vehemently anti-Israel, by the way – is quoted as saying during the segment. “That has increased nearly 50 percent since 9/11.”

Democrats: the party of Sharia Law

But even more important than all this is Omar’s commitment to wearing her hijab wherever she goes, which she spent the bulk of her interview glamorizing as some kind of symbol of freedom.

“I was really uncomfortable with many members of our community feeling like they had to strip themselves of their identity in order to mitigate the violence and the fears that they were feeling,” Omar told Salbi, speaking of the general public sentiment post-9/11.

“And I thought, you know, the best thing that I could do was to make sure that I was visually showing up in every aspect of society as a visible Muslim so that people can start to associate positive interactions with Muslims.”

The Democratic Party at large seems to be on-board with this agenda as well, embracing nearly every tenet of Islam – including Sharia Law, which Omar also supports – as part of its ever-expanding platform of “inclusiveness.”

Even though the pro-Muslim sentiments of Omar and many others like her go against nearly everything upon which this great country of ours was founded, she and her fellow Democrats are pushing full-steam ahead to supplant our cultural heritage and replace our traditional values with theirs.

“She shouldn’t even be in Congress,” wrote one commenter at The Federalist Papers, correctly pointing out that “their religion (Islam) cannot coexist with our constitutional rights.”

“Rep. Omar (D-Sphincter) needs to increase the tax rate to 150 – 190 per cent,” joked another commenter, taking aim at the dire implications of what Omar is proposing.

“We should all go get second and third jobs to help the Dems create Utopia for all the illegal invaders.”

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