The Satan-loving Left can’t stand speaking the word “God” so they’re trying to remove “so help you God” from congressional oath

Now that Democrats control the House of Representatives, they’re busy tackling the most important and pertinent issues of our day, which to them includes removing all references to “God” from the oath that’s recited by witnesses who testify before Congress.

Proposed new rules obtained by Fox News reveal that God-hating Democrats – which thus implies that these same Democrats love Satan instead – want to strike the words “so help you God” from the oath that’s recited before committee hearings.

So instead of witnesses being asked the question, “Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?” they would instead be asked the same question without the “so help you God” part.

In the proposal document obtained by Fox, the words “so help you God” are written inside brackets, and in red lettering, indicating that House Democrats are planning to have those words officially removed.

If passed, the proposal would result in the oath question being truncated immediately. The House Committee on Natural Resources is reportedly set to vote on the proposal, as well as a larger rules package, later in the week.

“It is incredible, but not surprising, that the Democrats would try to remove God from committee proceedings in one of their first acts in the majority,” stated Representative Liz Cheney, a Republican from Wyoming, in response to the proposed changes.

“They really have become the party of Karl Marx.”

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Satanic takeover of government, media, and everyday American life now in FULL FORCE

The sad reality is that these proposed changes are merely a drop in the bucket compared to all of the evil currently coming down the pipeline. As recently reported by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, the entire left-wing of American society has become a demonic cesspool of satanism, affecting not only the media but also government and even religion.

So-called “journalists,” many of whom pander to the very same Democrats pushing to have all references to “God” removed from government, are being taken over by demonic entities, Adams contends, to the degree that we now have demon-possessed entities running most of our major institutions.

“If you’re wondering why the left-wing media is infused with absolute evil, a seething, anti-human hatred of life, truth, healthy babies and human liberty, the answer is far larger than what you might have supposed,” writes Adams.

“Beyond a mere political war, we are engaged in a spiritual war of cosmic importance, as pure evil has taken over nearly the entire left-wing media, government bureaucracies, universities and public schools, Hollywood and the pop culture media, and even the ranks of ‘science’ and medicine,” he adds.

There’s actually now a documentary series all about this phenomenon, entitled, “Satanism in America,” that explores the far-reaching implications of this demonic takeover of the “Land of the Free” – and how it came to be.

“They first cropped up seemingly out of nowhere about six years ago, adorned in black capes with curved devil horns affixed to their heads, holding posters and black American flags as they shouted ‘Hail, Satan’ on the steps of government institutions,” the U.K.’s Daily Mail Online reports.

“And they were growing, exponentially. Since The Satanic Temple’s founding in 2012, the organization has increased from a handful of members to tens of thousands, with chapters all over the U.S. and the globe, from Stockholm to London and Los Angeles to Texas.”

For more, be sure to read Adams’ full article on Satanism in America at this link.

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