Was Tommy Robinson tortured, Guantanamo Bay style, while in prison? WATCH at REAL.video

It’s great that U.K. journalist Tommy Robinson has finally been released from prison on bail after having endured 13 months in the slammer because of an overzealous and prejudiced judge. But is he still the same Tommy Robinson that he was before getting the book thrown at him?

In Rea Bow’s view, the world has received back a different Tommy. In a recent video posted to her REAL.video channel, Bow explains how she believes Tommy was mistreated in prison, and that his entire countenance and behavior profile has changed dramatically.

“There’s no doubt in my mind that he’s been tortured,” Bow says, revealing how she remembers what Tommy was like before the saga began. “I’ve seen him in the pub … and he’s tortured … and in my mind, it doesn’t stop here.”

Bow is convinced that British authorities did “a Guantanamo Bay thing” on Tommy, and that he’s no longer the same man that he once was. While Bow says she’s seen Tommy “grow” over the past year, she’s deeply concerned about his well-being.

“He’s lost loads of weight … think about it, you’re in solitary confinement all that time, you don’t talk to anybody, and all of a sudden you come out and the world wants to speak to you,” she says. “He’s spun out. He’s not really sure what he’s doing. So I’m just hoping that good people around him will keep him on the straight and narrow.”

Bow about Tommy Robinson: “they have done him up like a kipper”

Bow doesn’t deny that Tommy may have overstepped his bounds in doing what he did to land him in prison in the first place. But she emphasizes the fact that this doesn’t make him any less human than the rest of us, nor is he deserving of the way he’s been treated.

“Is he a scalliwag, has he been a scalliwag? For sure. No doubt about it,” Bow says. “But that doesn’t write off human rights or anything like that.”

Keep in mind that Tommy was moved from a really safe prison to an “unsafe” one, where he wasn’t allowed to see anybody , save for a few hours with his family during the entire time he was incarcerated there.

Bow wants to know whose decision it was to move Tommy to this new prison in order to hold that person accountable. She also notes that many of the same people who’ve been threatening Tommy are the very same people who were cooking his food.

Using a quaint British expression to describe Tommy’s horrible plight at the hands of the U.K. government, Bow further states that “they have done him up like a kipper” – meaning, he’s been framed, betrayed, and mistreated for political purposes.

What’s happening to Tommy Robinson could happen to ANY of us

If you think this type of thing only happens to distant journalists from other lands, think again. Censorship is already ramping up against independent journalists here in the U.S. like Alex Jones, who as you probably already know recently had his InfoWars channel removed from most of the major social media networks.”

“There’s a system inside here where they whisk you away and they do” horrible things to you if they consider you an enemy of the state, Bow warns.

“I hope Lord Pearson gets involved with the shape that Tommy has left prison in, in only a couple of months,” she says. “He’s not well.”

Be sure to watch Rea Bow’s full statement on Tommy Robinson at REAL.video.

You can also keep up with the latest news on mass media censorship by visiting Censorship.news.

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