Corporate media once again covering up the radical Islamic terrorism behind this week’s London terror attack

Purveyors of fake news are desperately trying to cover up the fact that the suspect in London’s most recent terrorist attack may be a radical Islamist.

According to official media reports, 29-year-old Salih Khater, a native of Sudan, crashed a silver Ford Fiesta into “anti-terror” barriers outside the Houses of Parliament, mowing down pedestrians and cyclists in the process.

Nobody was killed, but three people were injured and had to be rushed to the hospital, and Khater has since been arrested on suspicion of “terror offences and attempted murder,” to quote The Sun (U.K.).

But nowhere in this or other similar mainstream media reports is any mention made of Khater’s potential Islamic ties. In fact, very little mention is made of his acts representing terrorism, as the fake news patrol once again tries to whitewash the jihadist nature of such attacks.

“It was an accident just like anyone would have,” stated Ahrha Thomas, an alleged friend of Khater’s.

“He was a good person. He just lost control. I know this guy; he went to the embassy to get his visa to go to Sudan. I know him because we live in the same area. There were two ambulances behind him trying to pass and he tried to get out of the way and lost control.”

Trustee of local Muslim mosque also claims Khater’s vehicle crash was an “accident”

How Thomas would have known all of these precise details remains questionably unclear. But the same claims were made by Nassar Mahmood, a trustee from the Birmingham Central Mosque near where Khater lives.

In other words, Khater is obviously connected to the local Muslim community in his town. But everyone who knew him is insistent that his acts weren’t terrorism, and that he merely lost control of his vehicle while obtaining the government documents he needed to return for a visit to Sudan.

“Two or three days before the incident, he applied for a visa to visit his country,” added Ahmed Al-Athwari, the 48-year-old deputy chairman of the Yemeni community in Birmingham. “That’s what I have heard from people in Sudan.”

Further included in The Sun report on the incident are many other secondhand statements of a similar nature, with people in Khater’s social circles claiming he’s innocent, and that he never could have done something like this intentionally with malicious intent.

Leftists bash Trump for calling a spade a spade

But the likelihood of Khater’s vehicle crash being a complete accident are slim to none. Many witnesses not connected to Khater report seeing his vehicle “driving towards Parliament at speed” just before hearing a “loud bang” as it crashed into the black steel barriers.

This is why President Trump was quick to declare the incident a “terrorist attack,” for which he took plenty of flack, including from fake news giant CNN, which criticized him for stating the obvious.

U.K. Police Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu himself stated during a press conference immediately following the incident that it “appears to be a deliberate act, the method, and this being an iconic site.” He added that law enforcement is “treating it as a terrorist incident, and the investigation is being led by officers from the Counterterrorism Command.”

But the deep state media refuses to acknowledge this, and is now repudiating our own President for calling a spade a spade.

“This example highlights a simple truth: CNN has no interest in informing Americans,” reads a report on the incident published by “Rather, its purpose is to spin reality to serve a globalist far-left agenda, and that agenda since 2015 has been to take down Trump.”

For more news on radical Islamic terrorists that the mainstream media refuses to accurately report on, check out

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