Dem lawyers in Florida objects to non-citizen’s ballot being thrown out as efforts to steal 2018 midterms accelerate

All Americans — even those who are not enamored with Republicans or POTUS Donald Trump — should be alarmed by what’s happening in Florida, Georgia, Arizona, and California nearly a week after the 2018 midterms.

Democratic operatives are now engaged in a widespread and brazen effort to steal a number of elections that were won convincingly by GOP candidates during the 2018 midterms, and they’re doing it by committing outright voter fraud in many cases.

How bad has it gotten? Democratic lawyers in Florida are actually trying to force the state to count the ballots of non-citizens who have no legal right to vote in federal elections — which is patently illegal.

As The Federalist reported over the weekend:

During review of provisional ballots to determine whether a recount is justified in the tight Florida governor, senate, and agriculture commission races, Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Susan Bucher identified a voter as a non-citizen and declared that the ballot would not be counted.

Attorneys representing the Democratic candidate for Senate Bill Nelson and the Democratic candidate for governor Andrew Gillum objected. A copy of the uncertified transcript shows the interaction.

How can you object to disallowing a non-citizen’s ballot? It’s easy if you’re a Left-wing Democratic operative who has no use for the rule of law when it benefits the Republican Party.

At the end of voting in the Sunshine State following last Tuesday’s midterm elections, former GOP Congressman Ron DeSantis handily defeated Democratic challenger and Tallahassee Gov. Andrew Gillum by at least 33,000 votes. Meanwhile, GOP Gov. Rick Scott beat incumbent Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson by about 12,000 votes.

Granted, millions of votes were cast. But ballots are counted by machine; to assume that machines made 12,000 and/or 33,000 mistakes is absurd. And Democrat recount demands are equally absurd; never in the history of our elections has any candidate overcome a 12,000-vote deficit, let alone a 33,000-vote shortfall. (Related: Thanks to Democrat vote fraud and election tampering, trust in our entire system is collapsing — which is what they want.)

Dems can’t win so they want to destroy the system

Why the effort? What’s at stake? In a word, power.

Though Democrats won the House, they really want the Senate because that’s where federal judges and Supreme Court justices are confirmed. Democrats cannot win majorities in most of the country with their strategy of unhinged Trump hate, socialism, and political violence. So they must corrupt the Judicial Branch with activists who will uphold their radical Leftist takeover of our republic. Constitutionalists now being appointed by POTUS Trump and confirmed by the GOP majority thwart that effort.

In states, meanwhile, controlling the governor’s office gives Democrats an advantage in pushing for redistricting that will wipe out GOP majorities and redraw voting boundaries in ways that help Democrats gain electoral majorities.

This is also why Democrats are vehemently opposed to the Trump administration’s move to include a citizenship question in the 2020 Census, which is used to apportion House seats. In the Census, which is taken every 10 years per the Constitution, all persons inside the country are counted, regardless of whether they are citizens. 

But if a state (California, New York, and Florida come to mind) has a greater number of illegal immigrants living there, they are receiving an outsized number of House seats they otherwise would not have and which they would otherwise lose. 

Democrats are screaming, ‘We must count every vote!’ But every vote was counted — on election night. Nobody claimed they weren’t until suddenly, mysteriously, ballots began magically appearing — and in two Democrat power centers, Palm Beach and Broward counties. 

The ‘demand’ that all votes be counted assumes that someone — Republicans, of course — don’t want all of them counted. Wrong. They want legitimate votes counted which does not include ballots that showed up out of the blue days after all of them were supposed to be turned in according to state laws.

Republicans who aren’t paying attention to this had better start. These are the opening rounds of Democratic attempts to delegitimize our electoral processes and do away with them altogether.

Read more about Democrat vote fraud at

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