San Francisco turning into a giant toilet filled with human feces as leftist bureaucrats accelerate America’s plunge into Third World status

The once-pristine streets of one of America’s wealthiest and most iconic cities have become more polluted with human feces than ever before, shocking new data reveals.

According to the San Francisco Department of Public Works (SFDPW), city employees throughout the Golden Gate mecca are encountering increasingly more poop – and not the kind left behind by canines – on roadways and sidewalks with each passing year – the most recent year for which data is available clocking in the greatest number of poop piles on record.

Back in 2011, there were about 5,500 incidents of human poop reported on the streets of San Francisco – a number that has since increased more than fivefold to 28,000 incidents in 2018.

What’s more disturbing is that, according to experts, the actual number of human poop droppings is likely far higher, seeing as how these two figures represent only the reported cases that have been logged in official government records.

“I will say there is more feces on the sidewalks than I’ve ever seen growing up here,” admitted San Francisco Mayor London Breed to NBC News in a 2018 interview.

“That is a huge problem, and we are not just talking about from dogs – we’re talking about from humans.”

For more related news about the rapid downfall of leftist-run California enclaves like San Francisco, be sure to check out

Homelessness is destroying San Francisco – but at least the city banned “polluting” plastic grocery bags, right?

The chart below was released by SFDPW and depicts the rapid and steady rise of “human feces incidents” in San Francisco since 2011, which clearly shows that conditions in the city are reaching Third World status at a very alarming rate.

Things are so bad, it turns out, that the city of San Francisco has had to hire and deploy a “Poop Patrol” to rove the streets of this popular tourist destination and clean up any fecal biohazards they stumble upon that have been left behind by the city’s ever-ballooning homeless population.

Human feces, as many readers already well know, are an extremely toxic substance that has no place in streets or on sidewalks where children play. It’s a serious public health hazard that’s far worse than anything California politicians have fear-mongered about in recent years – including plastic grocery bags, which San Francisco banned back in 2007 under then-Mayor Gavin Newsom, who has since become California’s governor, under the pretext that plastic is destroying the environment.

San Francisco’s “poop map” reveals what a cesspool this once gorgeous coastal city has become under leftist “leadership”

Sadly, but also hilariously, San Francisco has also created a “poop map” depicting the areas of town where the most amount of human feces is being discovered – and it isn’t pretty.

So while the leftist politicians who run San Francisco would rather pretend as though homelessness and poop – and the liberal policies that are responsible for creating excess amounts of both – don’t actually exist and aren’t a real problem, the poop map speaks for itself. And what it has to “say” is that San Francisco really has become a Third World “paradise” of leftist insanity.

Keep in mind that a 2017 survey of San Francisco’s homeless population found that there are at least 7,500 people living on the streets throughout the city at any given time – which, coupled with the fact that public restrooms are rare throughout San Francisco, has created the perfect storm for a fecal freakshow.

“Whether the Poop Patrol is able to reverse the trend on San Francisco’s streets remains to be seen, but there’s an indication that the crew is a bandage on a problem much bigger than dirty streets,” writes Ben Gilbert for

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