Democrat Stacey Abrams says protecting unborn babies from being violently murdered in Georgia is “evil,” “abominable”

Potential “Party of Death” presidential candidate for 2020 Stacey Abrams is upset that her state’s Republican governor is slated to sign into law a bill to protect the lives of unborn children whose heartbeats have reached the point of detectability.

Speaking to fellow Leftist Joy Reid of MSNBC during a recent episode of “AM Joy,” Abrams, who failed in her attempt last fall to become Georgia’s governor, took aim at Governor Brian Kemp, who promised to sign the so-called “fetal heartbeat” bill to ban abortion once a baby’s heart begins to beat.

In Abrams’ view, prohibiting the murder of unborn children at this point in pregnancy is both “evil” and “abominable” because she believes it directly interferes with the “ability” of women to decide for themselves to terminate the lives of their offspring at will.

“You should not have to worry about your ability to control your bodily autonomy because the governor has pushed such an abominable and evil bill that is so restrictive,” Abrams snorted in disgust.

“It’s not only bad for morality and our humanity, it’s bad for business,” she added, referring to threats from Hollywood of a boycott in the event that the bill is signed into law.

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Stacey Abrams and her fellow death-loving Democrats were prophesied about in Isaiah 5:20, I Timothy

To those with active consciences, Abrams’ chilling verbiage about a bill that aims to protect human life – using words like “evil,” “abominable,” and “bad for morality” to describe it – echo back to the prophets of the Old Testament, and specifically the words of Isaiah in Chapter 5, Verse 20.

In case you’re not familiar with it, this verse reads as follows:

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”

Even if you’re not a Christian, there’s no denying that this is precisely what Abrams is doing by calling pro-life legislation “evil” and “abominable” – when, in fact, what she’s pushing for is the thing that’s truly evil and abominable.

Derangement at best, and demonic at worst, Abrams’ contention that not allowing women to murder their unborn children at any stage of pregnancy is somehow a form of wickedness embodies yet another set of prophetic scriptures out of I Timothy, which explain that in the end times, some will “depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.”

This passage goes on to explain that such people, which include Stacey Abrams since she grew up as a Methodist, speak “lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron.”

If ever there was someone with a seared conscience, based on her recent language, it’s Stacey Abrams, wouldn’t you say?

In a statement of response to Abrams’ words, Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee told “Fox & Friends” that he found it “appalling” that Abrams would try to argue that efforts to preserve human life are “evil” and “abominable.”

“Human beings have heartbeats,” Gov. Huckabee is quoted as saying. “Blobs of protoplasm do not. And for Stacey Abrams to make this comment that it’s perfectly okay to kill the heartbeat of a baby because it’s good for business. I find that appalling. I find that disgusting. It’s sad, it’s sick.”

At least six different legislatures across the country are currently mulling the passage of “heartbeat” bills, which would prohibit abortion after about six weeks of pregnancy. In Georgia, Gov. Kemp is expected to sign such legislation very soon, and by no later than May 12.

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