Leaked emails suggest Google is a leftist cult

Google can’t even buy off the Heritage Foundation without their cult-like leftist employees having conniption fits!

(Article by Chris Menahan republished from InformationLiberation.com)

From Breitbart, “Leaked Messages Show Google Employees Freaking Out Over Heritage Foundation Link”:

Internal discussion threads exclusively obtained by Breitbart News shows Google employees in meltdown over the tech giant’s decision to include the president of the conservative Heritage Foundation, Kay Coles James, on an artificial intelligence advisory council.

Multiple Google employees in the thread also engaged in outright smears against the Heritage Foundation. Google employees accused the think-tank of transphobia, homophobia, and “extremism,” of viewing LGBT people as “sub-human,” questioning their “humanity,” and supporting “exterminationist” views.

“Would we even consider having a virulent anti­-semite on the advisory board? How about an avowed racist or white supremacist?” asked one Google employee. “This seems like a double standard where anti­-LGTBQ positions are tolerated more than other extreme discriminatory views.”

“You don’t need racists, white supremacists, exterminationists on the board to know their stances. you can just talk to their targets” insisted another.

Kay Cole James

“It’s so upsetting that some of our leaders overlooked such hateful positions as Kay Cole James and the Heritage foundation have articulated and regularly advocate for,” complained another Google employee.

Another employee suggested that the “rhetorical violence” of the Heritage Foundation “translate[s] to real, material violence against trans people, particularly trans women of color.”

“There’s no need to have these people in positions of any kind of authority in order to get their views” wrote another.

Another Google employee was so incensed by the Heritage Foundation that he suggested another employee who defended the inclusion of Coles James on pragmatic grounds should lose his job.

“It’s not snobbery to object to associating with and legitimizing an organization dedicated to eliminating LGBTQ+ people from public life, driving them back into the closet, denying them healthcare, and so on,” raged the employee.

“It’s basic human decency, treating it like a difference of opinion is simply monstrous and I don’t think it belongs on this list, or at Google at all.”

“Please feel free to see yourself off this list if all you have to contribute is concern trolling about whether or not we’re pandering to rank bigotry enough. I’m muting you, and I think you should take a long hard look at how you’re behaving here.”

At least one of the Google employees who smeared the Heritage Foundation and its president is a prominent A.I researcher who has attended tech symposiums at the Obama White House. Meredith Wittaker, co-founder of NYU’s A.I. Now Institute and head of two projects at Google, the Open Research Group and the Measurement Lab, is revealed as one of the most vitriolic opponents of conservative involvement in Google A.I.

In the thread, Whittaker describes Kay Coles James, a black conservative who leads one of the most influential think-tanks in D.C., as an “outspoken bigot” who supports policies that “dehumanize and marginalize.”

In a different leaked discussion thread, Whittaker attacked the idea of viewpoint diversity (the idea that it’s valuable to tolerate and include a variety of ideological and political viewpoints) as “dangerous.”

“Justifying including bigots in the name of ‘viewpoint diversity’ is, flatly, a dangerous weaponization of the language of [diversity & inclusion]” said Whittaker, who has since helped organize an internal petition against Coles James’ inclusion. “I would note that the argument for viewpoint diversity was at the core of Damore’s memo, and has been used by the alt­-right to argue against diversity efforts that focus on historically marginalized communities.”

Whittaker also warned that the potential impact of A.I. was too dangerous to allow an “open bigot” like Coles James to be involved. She also used A.I. designed to assist ICE as an example of “harmful” A.I. Whittaker simultaneously recognizes the potentially vast influence and impact of A.I. while arguing that mainstream conservatives like the Heritage Foundation ought to be excluded from any participation in it.

“The potential harms of AI and “advanced” tech are not evenly distributed and follow historical patterns of discrimination and exclusion,” wrote Whittaker. “Those who have been historically marginalized are at the most risk of harm. See AI that doesn’t hear women, that doesn’t ‘see’ trans people, or people of color.”

“See systems deployed to aide ICE in targeting immigrants, to aid the Military in drone strikes, or to enhance worker control. Thus, in ensuring we are ‘ethical’ in our pursuit of AI dominance, we need to include and amplify the perspectives of those most at risk.”

[…]A few participants in the thread defended the inclusion of Coles James on Google’s A.I. advisory board. But no employee dared express agreement with Heritage — the majority of Coles James’ defenders argued for her inclusion on the basis of political expedience. One employee even wrote that the inclusion of Coles James could provide “political cover” for “actions that Google wants to take.”

The Daily Caller reported Friday that Google canceled the AI advisory board entirely due to their leftist employees whining:

Google’s decision to drop their AI advisory board entirely in response to left-wing critics within the company was met with applause from staff at an all-hands meeting Thursday, a source present told The Daily Caller.

“We didn’t get it right,” said Jen Gennai, Head of Responsible Innovation at Google, during the weekly meeting, reversing the position she had taken at the same meeting a week earlier.

Google has been giving money to right-wing think tanks and groups like CPAC to buy them off (and so far it’s worked out great for them). This was obviously part of that same plan, yet their employees are too batsh*t crazy to even realize it. They just hear “Heritage Foundation” and think “exterminationism.”

Another Google employee went public on Thursday in an article titled, “The Cruelty of Google’s Call-Out Culture,” to say “call-out” incidents like the one with James are routine within the company itself.

“Many people would assume that while Google employees may deploy this sort of rhetoric against public figures such as Kay Coles James or Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), they would also treat their fellow employees with more respect,” Google employee Mike Wacker said. “In many cases, that assumption is false.”

He went on to show how he was accused of supporting a “hate group” because he donated to the pro-religious liberty legal group the Alliance Defending Freedom.

Every Big Tech company is dominated by these lunatics and they’re actively using their power to discriminate against and deny basic services to right-wingers over their political views.

Read more at: InformationLiberation.com
