Apple gave millions to SPLC “con” that bilked gullible liberals out of their dollars to fund fraudulent “anti-hate” campaigns

Amid the ongoing collapse of the fraudulent Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a fake civil rights organization that’s notorious for spreading anti-white hatred as a means of raking in large cash donations from “gullible liberals,” none other than Apple Inc. is back in the spotlight for helping the SPLC to perform this dirty work with its own lofty contributions.

Back in August 2017 following the contrived Charlottesville false flag incident, Apple, under the leadership of Leftist traitor Tim Cook, decided to make a sizable $1 million donation to the SPLC. The iPhone maker also announced that it would match two-for-one all employee donations both to the SPLC and to the Anti-Defamation League, another racist, anti-white hate group posing as a civil rights organization that profits heavily by spreading lies and deception.

In an announcement at the time, Cook virtue-signaled to the max about how Apple’s partnership with both the SPLC and the Anti-Defamation League somehow honored the civil rights work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Cook also claimed that it was helping to bring about “positive change” by dumping large cash sums into the coffers of the these two organizations, which certainly hasn’t aged well in the months and years since the announcement.

“Cook’s decision to fund a questionable outfit like the SPLC (that was questionable long before these recent resignations) in the name of Apple Inc., no less, that most certainly did not ‘ensure that everyone is treated equally and with respect,’ even within its own walls, was obviously an embarrassing mistake,” comments

“In a nutshell, Cook literally funded inequality and disrespect in the name of Apple Inc. … The problem isn’t Tim Cook espousing political views and donating to political causes. It’s a free country. The problem is his very questionable practice (to a properly-functioning BoD) of hijacking Apple’s brand and riding on Apple’s coattails to do so.”

SPLC discriminated against blacks, gave them all the low-level work since they were “the help”

In case you missed it, SPLC co-founder Morris Dees was fired on March 14 by former SPLC President Richard Cohen, who has also since resigned from the corrupt organization. Both men headed up what is now being exposed as one of the most implicitly deceptive, fake non-profit groups in American history, which has been accused of gross misconduct, workplace discrimination, and other betrayals of its stated core mission.

According to former SPLC staff, the organization was embroiled in all sorts of controversies that created a highly toxic work environment, and one that many employees almost joked about whenever someone new was hired on to its ranks. Embarrassingly, but perhaps not surprisingly, are allegations that the SPLC was comprised primarily of people with light-colored skin, with the exception of low-level black employees who primarily worked in administrative support staff – or what one former colleague described as “the help.”

The SPLC apparently has a long legacy of racial discrimination within the organization, as colored people did most of the grunt work while the light-skinned higher-ups raked in all the cash. And when it came to actually doing the work that it was tasked the do, the SPLC was allegedly much better at taking the cash and padding the pockets of its employees, while doing very little in the way of actual civil rights work.

“We’re pretty sure that Steve Jobs did not intend for Apple to be turned into a personal soapbox for whoever happens to be occupying in the CEO’s office at the moment,” adds about the corrupt nature of Apple partnering with an organization as evil as the SPLC.

For more news like this, be sure to check out

To learn more about how the SPLC is really just a hate group posing as an “anti-hate” group, check out this article.

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