“Luke Skywalker” says all men should be BANNED from politics … but also agrees anyone can become a woman by simply saying they are

Star Wars icon Mark Hamill, who many people know played the role of “Luke Skywalker” in the original franchise series, is back on Twitter again with more hysterical rants, this time calling for all government positions in the United States to be occupied by females.

On November 13, Hamill tweeted a photo of five, far-left female Democrat politicians, including the famously uneducated Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who were recently declared the winners of their districts as part of the new 116th Congress, stating that this image of all-female leadership should serve as a template for America’s leadership system as a whole moving forward.

“For centuries, men have had their chance to rule government with middling-to-poor results,” the washed up, 67-year-old actor wrote on the photo’s caption. “Who’s ready to let women take charge completely? Just women. I know I am.”

To read other stories about Hollywood libtards spewing nonsense like this, be sure to visit Libtards.news.

But wait: There’s no such thing as “male” or “female” in liberal land

As of this writing, there are more than 122,000 “likes” on Hamill’s tweet, and more than 17,000 “retweets,” suggesting that many far-leftists agree with his sentiment. But the irony, of course, is that these same leftist lunatics don’t even agree that there’s such a thing as biological sex.

They even published a study towards this end earlier in the year, which declared the gender “binary” to be absolute fiction.

With this in mind, how can Hamill and his followers make the claim that only women should be politicians, when according to their same deranged belief system there isn’t even such a thing as a “woman?” Would “Caitlyn” Jenner be an eligible candidate for Congress, in Hamill’s view? What about men who simply “self-identify” as women – do they fit the bill?

For related news, be sure to check out Gender.news.

Porn star says Hamill pressured her to abort his son’s baby

Hamill failed to address any of these seeming contradictions within his doctrines of leftist thought. But our guess is that only actual women, and maybe really influential transgenders, would have any shot at leadership positions, should his visionary fantasy ever become actual reality.

The thing is, Hamill has a whole lot of other things to worry about, including a lawsuit that was filed against his family by porn star Maegan Chen. According to Chen, Hamill’s son Nathan had sex with her, got her pregnant, followed by Hamill himself pressuring her to abort the child.

“Mark Hamill told me that I shouldn’t bring a child into the world that nobody wants,” Chen is quoted as saying by the New York Post. “Nobody ever asked me what I wanted. I felt really pressured from them to get rid of the baby.”

Chen says she met Nathan through Tinder, and within three months she became pregnant with his child. Both Mark and Nathan pressured Chen to murder the unborn child, threatening her that he would break up with her if she didn’t comply.

“If you keep it, we won’t hang out anymore,” reads a text sent by Nathan to Chen that was shared with The Post.

Speaking of abortion, filth queen Sarah Silverman joked earlier this year about her buddy Mark Hamill performing abortions during a fundraising telethon using a “Jedi wand.”

She went on to state that legislation aimed at stopping the use of aborted human fetal cells to create artificial food flavorings made her hungry:

“If anything has ever made me want to eat an aborted fetus, it’s this law,” Hamill’s friend Silverman stated without shame.

For more news like this, check out Evil.news.

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