In Jacksonville mass shooting, local media made sure to identify suspect as “a white man” … but they cover up ethnicity when shooters aren’t white

On Sunday a suspect shot and killed at least three people while wounding as many as nine others, but one local media outlet made sure to radicalize and politicize it right away by identifying the alleged shooter – who was killed – as “a white man.”

News4Jax reported that the “mass shooting” occurred at a Madden NFL online gaming tournament and that four people were dead. The shooter is one of the four and, according to the U.K.’s Daily Mail, lost at the event.

But what was clear is that the local outlet and other media reporting the incident sought to immediately politicize and radicalize the tragedy as just another day in the life of America, where “a white man” committed another “mass shooting.”

The outlet reported it this way:

Four people are dead and at least nine others wounded Sunday afternoon in a mass shooting at the Jacksonville Landing.

Jacksonville Sheriff Mike Williams said at 4:30 p.m. that the gunman, a white man, is dead, but he wouldn’t confirm casually counts, so it wasn’t known if the four dead included the shooter. 

The Daily Mail was even more brazen. The online report started out, “A white male gunman is among the multiple fatalities…”

Don’t get us wrong – any loss of life due to such a senseless act is tragic. But this media business of identifying the race (and sex) of the shooter right away if said shooting suspect is a white male is becoming more and more common as the Left increasingly turns such “mass shootings” into another way to launch racist assaults on whites.

Preserve the Left-wing narrative at all costs

From Sky News in February, following the Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooting in Parkland Fla.:

Of 95 mass shootings carried out in the U.S. between 1982 and 2017, 92 of the perpetrators were male. … The shootings broken down by race, by Statista, show that 54 of the gunmen were white, 16 black, and seven each Latino or Asian.

No mention of the Middle Eastern Muslim suspects who killed more than a dozen people in San Bernardino, Calif., in December 2015. Oops. (Related: Liberalism kills again, this time in California.)

Pacific Standard reported in March that “downward social mobility and scapegoating are inspiring white men to commit atrocities” – though all ethnicities in the Trump economy are doing better.

Harper’s Bazaar blamed the killings on “toxic masculinity,” adding the radical feminist angle to the blame, making sure to remind us that “white men have committed more mass shootings than any other group” (without adding context – like, white men are a majority in America).

In January Politico Magazine lectured, “Don’t Blame Mental Illness for Mass Shootings; Blame Men” (written by a woman, of course) – a story that ignores the fact that the vast majority of these recent shootings have indeed involved killers who were taking psychotropic medications or who otherwise were mentally deficient, as the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) documented.

The far-Left Guardian actually gave a platform to a self-avowed “feminist activity” in June so she could chastise men further, declaring that “misogyny” is driving all of these incidents, so the world “must stop pandering to white male fragility.” Uh, aren’t the feminists responsible for making males more fragile to begin with (because our masculinity is “toxic,” remember?).

It’s time to start calling out these Left-wing charlatans and liars over their sanctimonious virtue-signaling hypocrisy: Mass shootings are only “mass shootings” if they involved white, male shooters?


So, the hourly mass shootings committed by mostly young black men in parts of Chicago aren’t worthy of similar comparison and scorn? In stories about those killings, which could be legion if they were all reported, journalists aren’t required to report that they are “mass shootings” committed by “black males?”

Why not? What’s the difference?

We know what the difference is. The Left’s war on our culture requires obfuscation, duplicity, lies, and stereotypes in order to be carried out. The objective is to stick to the narrative, period, no matter what the truth is.

And if that requires cheapening death in order to score political points, the Left is – obviously – willing to go that route.

No wonder POTUS Trump calls them the ‘enemy of the people.’

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