Anti-Trump CNN launches ugly smear campaign against Darla Shine because her husband now works in the Trump White House

Leave it to vehemently anti-Trump “fake news” giant CNN to go after yet another person associated with Donald Trump – this time the wife of White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications, Bill Shine.

In a segment of his show, available at, Robert Scott Bell defends Darla Shine, revealing that the only reason CNN has decided to launch an ugly smear campaign against her is because her husband works for the president.

“The media is ganging up on her because her husband is now in the Trump White House,” Bell is heard stating during an eye-opening segment on his wildly popular The Robert Scott Bell Show.

In a recent article that seems better fit for a tabloid than an international news outlet, CNN discussed an old radio show that Darla used to host back in the late 2000s, falsely accusing her of having “mocked victims of sexual harassment in the military,” as well as having “repeatedly pushed fringe conspiracy theories about vaccines.”

It’s typical form for CNN, whose own Jim Acosta had to be verbally reprimanded and escorted out of the press room by a White House aide for refusing to follow the rules during a recent photo op with President Trump and Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

“It’s a shame that CNN has seen fit to listen to her old radio shows and smear her,” Bell adds, noting that he, at one time, personally appeared on Darla’s show.

Darla Shine is supportive of vaccine freedom – which means CNN hates her even more

Why this is important is that it shows the high degree of aggression that CNN has for folks like Darla who counter mainstream narratives on issues related to women in the military and freedom of choice with vaccines.

Her husband, Bill, also used to appear on Fox News – the arch enemy of CNN and the leading cable news outlet when it comes to presenting conservative points of view, not to mention basic respect for our president.

Bell and his producer, “Super Don,” play a clip during the video segment, recorded back in 2009 on her “Happy Housewives Club” program, in which Darla welcomes Bell on her show to talk about swine flu and health freedom. This recording begins around the 4:20 mark in the below video at

Darla is heard referring to Bell as “the national health freedom guru of America” – obviously a monicker of respect towards his work associated with issues related to health freedom. One of these is vaccines and flu shots, both of which are at the forefront of a social battle over whether or not they should be “mandatory.”

Darla also challenged a growing narrative at the time that America is a country full of racists – taking a very patriotic approach to the situation that must have enraged CNN even more.

“I want to make it clear that I love everyone,” Darla is heard stating during the 2009 broadcast.

“I am the most welcoming person that you could come up with, and let me tell you, and remind you all, that America just voted in a multi-racial president … We are welcoming people. America has had its arms open to the world for 200-and-something years. We have been around the globe defending other countries, helping fight their wars, sending our boys to other places to help protect people. Our people have died to help protect other people’s freedoms.”

Be sure to watch the full segment of this important broadcast of The Robert Scott Bell Show at

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