The wicked, demonic assault on one Christian baker has been halted, but the next wave of anti-Christian left-wing demons is about to be unleashed

It is now being widely reported that a multi-year crusade against Jack Phillips, the Colorado cake baker who’s been under endless assault by the L.G.B.T. mafia for refusing to bake cakes for homosexual “weddings” and transgender “conversion” parties, is finally out of the Leftists’ crosshairs following a recent decision by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission (C.C.R.C.) to basically stop persecuting Phillips simply because of his faith. But the eye-opening reality is that, despite this small but noteworthy victory, the demonic war being waged against Christians in this country has only just begun.

While we might not be hearing much about Phillips anymore, Christians at large throughout America should expect to feel the heat of escalating hostility against their free speech rights, particularly online. In case you haven’t noticed, censorship on all of the major tech platforms, including Facebook, Google, Pinterest, Apple, Twitter, and Instagram, has been on the rise in a major way in recent years – and one of its primary targets is Christianity and all things associated with it.

You see, the spirit of antichrist, backed by a growing army of mindless L.G.B.T. foot soldiers, is on the move in these final days to destroy all Christians wherever they might be found. And it won’t stop until every last thing that’s good, moral, and right in the eyes of God is completely obliterated from society, using whatever means necessary.

Eliminating internet free speech seems to be the current tactic, as Big Tech has all but completely morphed into an extension of the “deep state” thought police in trying to regulate what people say and share online. One of the latest trends pushing for this abolition of the First Amendment online involves Leftists falsely accusing Christians, conservatives, and other Big Government “defectors” of engaging in “hate speech” every time they express their views – “hate speech” having already been programmed into the minds of the brainwashed masses as being an unforgivable no-no.

By classifying Christianity as “hate,” Leftists hope to abolish it in the name of “tolerance” and “love”

The Southern Poverty Law Center (S.P.L.C.), for instance, a hate group pretending to support “civil rights,” has actually made it a fundamental policy to designate any and all Christian organizations it comes across as “hate groups,” perpetuating the myth that any person or group of people that espouses beliefs contrary to what Big Brother deems acceptable is somehow embodying and perpetuating “hate,” and thus needs to be silenced.

“The SPLC regularly designates Christian organizations as ‘hate groups’ because of their support for Biblical marriage,” reports Bonnie Pritchett for WORLD magazine, noting that a far-Leftist group known as “Change the Terms” has already been tasked with identifying and targeting for elimination all forms of Christian “hate speech” online.

“Cloaked as a bid to purge neo-Nazis and white supremacists from internet platforms, the group admonishes tech companies to ‘combat hate activities while protecting minority voices.’ Its members include the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Center for American Progress.”

Bible-believing Christians already know that, as revealed in the Bible from long ago, antichrists will roam the earth seeking out whomever they can lay their hands on in order to completely devour. In this current day and age, much of the persecution and tribulation being inflicted upon Christians as a result of their faith in Jesus Christ is happening online – though the elimination of all free speech, including speaking directly with others in everyday life, is sure to be next on the chopping block.

“That’s the whole idea. Trying to wear out the saints,” wrote one commenter at CBN News about how the Cult of L.G.B.T. and others often seek to silence Christians by embroiling them in endless legal proceedings. “But we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us.”

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