Insane Video! Democratic Socialism in AOC’s own words: We don’t want to take over every form of production – we just want to tell every workplace how to operate

Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez retweeted herself again, and this one is for the record books.

(Article by Nan and Byron McKeeby republished from

Watch as she explains Democratic Socialism. I’ve taken the liberty of transcribing it below for closer examination.

Ocasio-Cortez: Ya know just as there’s all this fear mongering that government is going to take over every corporation and government is going to take over every business or every form of production, um, we should be scared right now because corporations have taken over our government.

And in my opinion, we should be weary of any entity in which both of those things are combined, whether it’s through one way or the other. Um, and that’s why the emphasis in Democratic Socialism is on duhmocracy. And it’s not about, you know, it, it’s, it’s just as much a transformation about bringing duhmocracy to the workplace so that we have a say, and that we don’t check all of our rights at the door every time we cross the threshold into our workplace. Because at the end of the day as workers and as people in society, we’re the ones creating wealth. Not a corporate CEO. It’s not a CEO that’s actually creating four billion dollars a year. It is the millions of workers in this country that’s creating billions of dollars of economic productivity a year. And our system should reflect that.

Let’s deconstruct this–

Right out of the gate, she describes opposition to Democratic Socialism as “fear mongering” and without skipping a beat, tells us “we should be scared right now because corporations have taken over out government.” Who’s the fear monger again?

Like a broken clock, AOC gets something right when she says, “We should be weary of any entity in which both of those things (corporations and government) are combined” but then she pulls an immediate u-turn with this bit of insanity, “it’s just as much a transformation about bringing duhmocracy to the workplace.”

There should be exactly as much “duhmocracy” in the workplace as the owners decide they want/need in order to foster the environment they – as OWNERS OF PRIVATE PROPERTY, GOODS, AND SERVICES – deem necessary to remain profitable. What AOC is describing is literally the very definition of a marriage between the govt and corporations in order to regulate what people can and can’t do with their private property/business/investments. I’m certain there’s a name for that style of government but it escapes me at the moment.

LAST – AOC takes credit for “billions of dollars of economic productivity a year” on behalf of “workers” (as though CEOs don’t work).

She must be unaware that America’s GDP is just a bit higher than that.

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