Formula for INSANITY: Believe in hate crime hoaxes, take prescription medications, eat GMOs, drink tap water, get your flu shot, watch CNN, and read the NYT and WashPo

Isn’t it quite ironic that there is not one single photo or video clip of President Donald J. Trump being a racist, when 50 million Americans have been brainwashed by the media to believe that he is one? In fact, before he ran for POTUS, there was never any mention of it ever, because he’s quite the opposite – a fair, just, and considerate human being. It’s all been a media hoax that’s been scripted, staged, and perpetuated with propaganda, just like the Jussie Smollett lynching hoax. Can you see it now?

There is a formula for insanity in America, and it’s mixed carefully and methodically, then “prescribed” to the masses. Nothing else would explain why tens of millions of Americans would literally murder a Trump fan in cold blood if they knew they could get away with it, right now. Any sane, responsible person who’s not doped up and dosed up on chemicals and propaganda would not have so much rage built up inside them over a couple years of political rip-rap.

There were plenty of Americans who figured out that Obama was a traitor who sought the destruction of the Republic, yet still, we weren’t all going around mauling Obama fans to vent our frustrations, or staging hate crimes for attention and to fuel dissonance and division in our country. The Left is wrought with triggered freaks acting like neanderthals with their smart phones. Oh, the irony of it all.

The formula for insanity boils down to a combination of toxic food, toxic medicine, and toxic news

It all boils down to a combination of toxic food, toxic medicine, and toxic news, that’s all repeatedly “consumed” for months, and even years on end. To date, not one single Trump supporter has outright started a riot, murdered anyone for not supporting Trump, or staged a hate crime to make it look like they were attacked by the Left. Not one.

Yet we see hundreds of hate crimes coming from the Left. We see real ones from Black Lives Matter and Antifa, all funded by you-know-who (Nazi-Sympathizing Billionaire George Soros). We see fake hate crimes planned, funded, staged, and then blasted across mass media (MSM) and all of social media like a Blitzkrieg, with no proof they’re real, from the Covington Catholic School “MAGA” teens to the latest with Jussie “Black on Black” Smollett.

And why do 50 million Americans believe all these lies, propaganda, staged events, and funded domestic-terrorism propagated from the Left? Well, because the message is repeated a million times over, while all the Democrats are doped up on chemicals. It’s a simple formula for simple minds that watch the boob tube over their GMO dinner each night, and who all read the bloody newspapers, thinking all fake news is real. They know nothing of real news. It never reaches them. They wouldn’t believe it if it did.

Did you know heavy metal toxins impair cognitive ability? The high doses of mercury in the influenza vaccine aren’t there because it’s the only preservative the vaccine industry can use to keep bacteria out of the multi-use jabs. No. That “thimerosal” is in there to dumb down society so the sheeple will believe the mentally challenged fake news on CNN. Why do you think CNN is the only news on TV at every airport, bus station, and train terminal in the USA?

Did you know that most prescription medications don’t work at all? They are designed in laboratories to cause horrific side effects. That’s not some byproduct or rare happenstance after taking your medication “as directed.” Nope. Brain fog, dizziness, depression, anxiety, irritable bowels, drowsiness, headaches, and trouble sleeping are all part of the design. That’s what keeps the masses from engaging in any critical thinking that may have them challenge the shallow “official narrative” that’s plastered across all media. Get it?

It’s all about ignorant, emotional reactions to fake news on a daily basis – and it’s all controlled by the Tech Giants and the Deep State

Did you know consuming chemical pesticides affects your ability to rationalize, communicate, navigate, and remember previous events? Even pollinators, like bees, lose their way and fail to do their job correctly when dosed with toxic neonicotinoids, a very popular, systemic agricultural pesticide.

All genetically modified U.S. crops contain pesticides inside the genetic makeup of the seeds and plants, so you cannot wash off that poison. This fuels confusion, memory lapse, and yes, dementia. Still blaming and hating on Trump?

Did you know that the fluoride in most U.S. tap water lowers IQ? Same goes for canola oil. It sure does. In-depth research already proves both of those points as scientific fact.

Have you noticed over the past two years, that if you are a Trump supporter, and you are accused of a crime, you are GUILTY until proven innocent (you’re basically tried and torched by the media immediately and relentlessly); however, if you are a Trump hater and you are accused of a crime, you are INNOCENT until proven guilty, and the media bastardizes, censors and blacklists anyone who says otherwise?

The evil MEDIA SPIN controls 50 million or more American sheeple right now – will they wake up before they’re doomed forever?

That, my friends, is called the media spin. The controlled narrative. The official narrative, and CNN, New York Times, and the ultimate rag Washington Post, are always the first to jump on the hoax train and find the Right guilty and the Left innocent, of everything.

Remember the Bret Kavanaugh “scandal?” Then, just last month, when three lead Democrat politicians from Virginia were all accused of racism and horrendous crimes, including sexual assault charges, the media said they were all innocent. Even when they get caught, you never see the fake news media or any celebrities retract, apologize, or recant their lies and propaganda. They just go silent.

The formula for insanity only works, though, if you take it. So, if you just eat organic food, tune into truth media, use natural remedies for immune building and ailments, then you will be able to think critically and know the difference between freedom and total tyranny. This has been a public service announcement from Natural News.

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