Jimmy Kimmel becomes king of the late-night gutter, as his Kavanaugh ‘penis’ comment sets a new low standard for “comedy”

In the age of POTUS Donald Trump, most Hollywood stars have lost their minds – and their sense of humor – having been consumed with hate over the presidency of a man who, more than likely, tries to find ways every day to trigger them.

And why wouldn’t he? After all, POTUS used to walk among the entertainment elite, having earned himself a star on the Walk of Fame (that lunatic Leftists keep defacing) and managed to create and sustain a hugely successful series (“The Apprentice”) before chucking it to become Hollywood’s “annoyer-in-chief.”

This irrational hatred was on display once again last week, compliments of late-night gutter king Jimmy Kimmel who weighed in on the “controversies” surrounding allegations of sexual assault leveled against a man who is infinitely more moral and upright, Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

During his Tuesday night show, Kimmel attacked Kavanaugh and his wife (‘cause he’s such a man) Ashley Estes Kavanaugh over an interview they did with Fox News. The purpose of the interview was to provide a platform for the judge to refute the baseless, uncorroborated – and Democrat coordinated– attacks against his character and reputation.

You know, kind of like Kimmel would use his own show to defend himself against uncorroborated, unsubstantiated attacks on his character (such as it is).

But like other Leftists in Hollywood, Kimmel has already made up his mind that Kavanaugh the Constitutional Conservative is guilty and the two women who have been used by Democrats to accuse him are telling the truth, despite the fact that everyone they both claim ‘knew about’ the incidents are denying it. (Related: W. Hollywood city council votes UNANIMOUSLY to remove POTUS Trump’s star from Walk of Fame, but not admitted perverts and molesters.)

After joking about Kavanaugh’s statement that he was a virgin until long after high school – because as a Catholic believer, that was his conscious choice – Kimmel then dove straight for the gutter which, admittedly, was close by already.

“Hear me out on this. So Kavanaugh gets confirmed to the Supreme Court, okay? Well, in return, we get to cut that pesky penis of his off in front of everyone,” he said.

What a reprobate

As Lifezette reported:

Comedy on the Left seems to be dying under President Donald Trump. Leftists like Kimmel are not only weaponizing jokes in an attempt to build a narrative that fits their worldview, but they’re also getting lazy as they present tired and lowbrow jokes aimed at conservatives night after night.

Not that Kimmel cares. In an interview in October 2017, he told CBS News he doesn’t care how many conservative Republican viewers he loses. Of such viewers, he said “not good riddance, but riddance,” adding this about those who disagree with his political views: “I probably won’t want to have a conversation with them anyway.”

And so it goes in today’s ‘entertainment world. As the New York Post’s Rich Lowry wrote of late-night show hosts from a bygone era:

We’re a long way from Johnny Carson, whose “Tonight Show” was a national institution that enjoyed a broad audience — and was conducted like one. Carson steered clear of politics and kept his views to himself because delving into divisive politics would “hurt me as an entertainer, which is what I am.”

Rather than strive for wide appeal, stars today are going for niche audiences instead, thinking that strategy is good enough for them to get by much more comfortably than us mere mortals.

But why would Kimmel’s network put up with his comment, let alone the vulgarity (which is what he’s known for, having hosted the vulgar “Man Show” on Comedy Central all those years)? Why do networks and film studios that could reap much bigger financial rewards with stars who eschew all politics put up with being income-limited right off the bat thanks to what their feature stars say about the president?

Only they know the answer to that. As for the rest of us, we’re likely to continue doing what we’ve been doing to these perpetually triggered reprobates: Turn them off.

Read more about what a jerk Jimmy Kimmel can be at JimmyKimmel.news.

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