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The Duke Lacrosse witch hunt demonstrates the mass hysteria of lunatic Leftists who refuse to embrace FACTS that contradict their narratives

If over 100 years of progressivism have taught us anything, it’s that liberals tend to shy away from facts that don’t align with the narratives they try to advance. Few events in recent American history have demonstrated this reality more than the March 2006 controversy at Duke University, whereby three members of the school’s lacrosse team were accused of raping a black woman without anyone bothering to gather the facts or evidence.

As noted by Zero Hedge:

Shortly after the accusations surfaced, 88 Duke faculty members signed an advertisement in the Duke Chronicle, a student newspaper, condemning the lacrosse players and thanking demonstrators for not waiting to see if the charges were credible.

You read that correctly – not only did Duke University condemn these lacrosse players prematurely, but faculty members actually praised demonstrators for not gathering evidence. Indeed, in the case of the lacrosse “scandal” at Duke, these students were not innocent until proven guilty; they were guilty until proven innocent.

Zero Hedge explained that most of the signatures on the newspaper advertisement came from faculty members in various humanities programs such as Women’s Studies and African-American Studies. This is unsurprising, especially considering the fact that these programs and others like them typically seem to attract liberal faculty members that subscribe to the Left-Wing, social justice narrative.

But as bad as what happened at Duke University back in 2006 was, it pales in comparison to the all-out war on men and masculinity that liberal and feminist professors are waging on campuses across the country. Often referred to as “toxic masculinity,” the idea is that men are inherently sexist and must learn how to tone back their “manliness,” which liberals attribute to everything from rape and sexual assault to wars fought overseas. (Related: An insane feminist actually went on national television and claimed that “women can do no wrong” and all men are “toxic”.)

This focus on combating “toxic masculinity” may even start being directed towards kindergarteners in the near future – that is, if a certain professor at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater has her way.

Should kindergarteners be taught about toxic masculinity?

In a recent issue of On The Horizon, Professor Kathleen Elliott argued that “finding ways to promote healthy masculinity early and to teach boys and young men to recognize, reject, and challenge simplified, toxic masculinity is essential for creating cultural change.” She added that another way that educators can combat toxic masculinity is by highlighting “women’s achievements in curricula and in the classroom.”

Elliot concluded her essay by arguing that placing emphasis on toxic masculinity is an often-overlooked educational opportunity for teachers and professors.

“While educators have taken on gender inequality in the past, for the most part, we have not stepped forward to take the same kind of lead in challenging toxic masculinity,” she wrote, adding that educators need to “teach young men and boys to recognize and challenge” their own personal identities. (Related: A liberal professor claims that eating meat perpetuates hegemonic masculinity.)

No one disagrees with the idea that young men should be taught to respect women and move away from sexist and misogynist comments. However, this ongoing battle against “toxic masculinity” is something very different and far more serious. Young men are being encouraged to question the innate traits and characteristics that make them men, which, for many reasons, is morally and ethically wrong.

It is long past time for our country to take a step back and consider what kind of effect this “war on men” is having on our young boys. If the liberals, feminists and social justice warriors are not careful, they could do permanent damage to the social order and gender norms that have existed since the beginning of time.

Read more news about the mass hysteria of Leftists at

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