After pushing gun control and open borders, the Pope now goes all-in for LGBT… will the Catholic Church endorse pedophilia next?

It was announced on May 21, 2018, that the current head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis, has officially given his blessing to the practice of homosexuality.

[Editor’s note: This website is not opposed to personal liberty when it comes to sexual orientation. However, the Pope is supposed to represent the Roman Catholic Church, which is, of course, openly opposed to homosexual lifestyles. We report on this from the point of view of questioning the veracity of this bizarre Pope, not condemning people for being gay. As far as we are concerned, what you do in your own private life is your own business.]

Claiming to speak on behalf of God here on earth, as all Popes are said to do, Pope Francis reportedly told a male victim of sexual abuse – and one who was abused at the hands of the Roman Catholic Church in Chile, no less – during a private conversation that homosexuality isn’t a sin, contradicting centuries of church doctrine.

According to Juan Carlos Cruz, the male victim in question, Pope Francis told him reassuringly: “God made you like this and loves you like this” – in direct contradiction to the Holy Scriptures. “The pope loves you like this. You have to be happy with you who are,” Pope Francis added.

Cruz had apparently been discussing his perceived sexual orientation with Pope Francis in light of having been abused by notorious pedophile priest Fernando Karadima while still a child. And it was perhaps this very abuse that damaged Cruz and altered his sexual preferences as he grew into adulthood.

But rather than address any of this in that context, Pope Francis told Cruz that it doesn’t really matter why he’s gay because God doesn’t really care. Just go with it, was essentially Pope Francis’s advice to the man that has sent shockwaves throughout the Roman Catholic community.

After having already taken a left-wing stance on almost every major social issue, ranging from global warming to gun control to LGBT rights, Pope Francis’s most recent endorsement of homosexuality isn’t really all that surprising to anybody who’s been paying attention. According to the Pope’s new logic, even pedophiles should be excused by the Church because they, too, could claim, “God made me this way.”

Roman Catholicism: Now the religion of the devil?

Truth be told, there’s almost nothing that Pope Francis has said or done since acquiring his position that in any way aligns with the God he claims to represent. You might even say that this religious figure is certifiably antichrist, both in principle and practice.

It’s not unlike the rest of the Roman Catholic Church, in fact, which has been covering up egregious sex crimes like pedophilia for many decades. This was the premise of Pope Francis’s recent meeting with Cruz, after all, which was supposed to be an “apology” for the horrific abuse he endured at the hands of Chilean priests.

Some 34 of them have actually announced their resignation now that the cat’s out of the bag, which The Sun describes as “an unprecedented move in the history of the Catholic Church. This all comes roughly seven years after Fernando Karadima, now 87 years old, was convicted by the Vatican of committing horrific sex crimes against innocent minors during his tenure as a Roman Catholic priest.

With every other unorthodox move that’s been made by Pope Francis, it’s almost a bit shocking that he hasn’t come out to endorse pedophilia as well. This would be a convenient “reinterpretation” for the Roman Catholic Church and its pope to take as cover for its filthy legacy of gross sexual abuse.

If the pope speaks for God, he can simply declare that “God loves pedophiles” and “love is love.” It’s what’s already being taught to schoolchildren at some schools where teachers are indoctrinating them to believe that “love knows no age.”

This would align perfectly with the current trajectory of the Roman Catholic Church, which for all intents and purposes has unveiled itself as the religion of satanism. What Pope Francis and his minions are teaching the world is that anything goes – which is the exact opposite of true Christianity.

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