Professor to host a “violence of whiteness” talk – radical left says being white is an “existential threat”

A black professor of “feminist anthropology” at Beloit College in Beloit, Wisconsin, was recently invited by the University of Minnesota (UMN) to speak at a “retreat” it held, at which attendees were told that being white is a symbol of “violence,” followed up with instructions about “dismantling whiteness” in order to neutralize this “existential threat” to humanity.

From her cozy, mostly-white enclave located on Wisconsin’s southern border, Lisa Anderson-Levy, an outspoken racist who hates all white people, has been indoctrinating students at Beloit College about the “evils” of having white skin since 2008. She openly describes her “teaching philosophy” as a “political act” that’s designed to “transform” both teachers and students into her racist way of thinking.

If Anderson-Levy was white, and her curriculum centered around the “violence of blackness,” she would have been canned from Beloit College years ago, and would probably be living on the streets as an unemployable “Nazi” oppressor. But since she’s black and openly targets white people with her deeply-engrained racist hatred, she’s apparently a highly sought-after lecturer at liberal institutions of “higher learning,” as evidenced by her recent inclusion at UMN’s anti-white “dismantling whiteness” retreat.

Entitled, “The Elephant in the Room: A ‘Grown Up’ Conversation about Whiteness,” the UMN event featured Anderson-Levy as its primary speaker, giving her an open platform to spew her deranged thoughts on everything from the “ubiquity and violence of whiteness” to the ways in which whiteness “poses an existential threat to social, political, and economic life in the U.S.”

Put on by UMN’s Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Global Change (ICGC) Alumni Lecture Series, and co-sponsored by UMN’s Race, Indigeneity, Gender and Sexuality Studies Initiative, a program of UMN’s College of Liberal Arts, the event was basically a crash course in how to “decenter whiteness,” a.k.a. to remove all white people from every position of influence, and presumably replace them all with black and brown people.

“This presentation explores the ubiquity and violence of whiteness and the ways in which academic institutions are poised to either reproduce or interrupt these discourses,” Anderson-Levy writes about herself in the third person, clearly enamored with her own sociopathic racist persuasions.

“She argues that whiteness poses an existential threat to social, political, and economic life in the U.S. and proposes that decentering whiteness is one of the most urgent social dilemmas of our time and demands our immediate attention.”

Anti-white racists like Anderson-Levy are an existential and immediate threat to peaceful race relations

When questioned about this blatantly racist event, UMN spokeswoman Emmalynn Bauer told Campus Reform that her university is proud to sponsor such an event.

“The ICGC Alumni Lecture Series is an opportunity to highlight successful alumni and allow current students to engage with them,” Bauer said in a statement.

This type of deranged thinking is rapidly becoming the new standard at America’s leftist colleges and universities, where the rhetoric of what basically amounts to white genocide is now considered “enlightened education.” And leading the way are racist “people of color” like Lisa Anderson-Levy, who ironically fail to recognize that their teaching at colleges in the first place represents cultural appropriation since higher education itself is a product of white people.

If white people have any interest in self-preservation, they’re going to have to take a stand against this constant assault against their very existence – otherwise, it’s only going to continue to get progressively worse. While refusing to support corrupt institutions like Beloit College and UMN that shamelessly endorse and promote anti-white racism is an obvious first step to address this growing problem, it’s going to take a whole lot more active and aggressive push-back by awakened white people to nip it in the bud before it nips them.

Read for more coverage of the deliberate attempt to aggravate race relations.

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