Second-grade students at North Carolina magnet school given “white privilege” handout as outraged parents fume

During his nationally syndicated program on Thursday, talk radio legend Rush Limbaugh argued that the Marxist Left has so infiltrated our public school system, polluting it with filth, perversion, and masochistic curriculum designed to further our cultural rot that it should be dismantled (figuratively) and rebuilt from the ground up.

After reading about what some second-grade students in North Carolina are being taught about race, it’s hard to disagree with him.

As reported by The Washington Times, eight-year-olds attending Hunter Magnet Elementary were sent home one day last month with a handout teaching them about “white privilege” in what appears to be the latest effort to sow permanent division among future generations of Americans.

The handout is labeled, “Step 3: (Begin to) Understand the Concept of White Privilege,” and it lists ‘statistics’ that purport to show there are a disproportionate number of white people in government, the media, and the entertainment industry — without additional explanation or context. The handout’s source sounds even more dubious: It used 2016-2017 data from an article titled, “No, I Won’t Stop Saying ‘White Supremacy,’” by Robin DiAngelo, an admitted white person who apparently has a guilt problem for some reason.

Needless to say, parents were outraged, and rightfully so.

“I think the message itself is inappropriate because, yes, there is racism out there, and they need to learn about it, but let the parents do that,” said Amber Pabon in an interview with ABC affiliate WTVD. “Because like I said, if she’s teaching him the way she knows, it could be completely different from the way I know. And me being part of the black community, I know different from how the white community sees it.”

The Times reported that a note posted at the top of the handout said it was part of an initiative by the PTA to generate “awareness and empathy to create a safe and equitable Hunter Community.”

But anyone with an IQ above room temperature — and who isn’t a blatant partisan — knows better than that. This is nothing more than the latest Left-wing effort to stir up racial tensions as part of a political agenda of control, period. Eight-year-old kids don’t, under 99.9 percent of circumstances, know anything about “racism” — until they’re taught how to be racists. And that’s just what this handout does, it teaches minorities to hate white people solely through disingenuous association with statistical majorities in certain fields that don’t have anything to do with racial requirements. (Related: White Privilege is a hoax, taught to children in corrupt school systems.)

For example, the handout doesn’t say that more politicians are white because white people are simply more interested in getting into politics. It does say that in heavy minority districts minority candidates win a majority of races. And it doesn’t say that there are no laws or racial requirements to run for office. Eight-year-olds are just force-fed this garbage intentionally out of context because the goal isn’t “awareness” it’s division, it’s political power, it’s the advancement of a destructive, mean, nasty, and authoritarian ideology.

Notice that sports were left off of the list of occupations mentioned in the handout. The little Stalins who produced this handout couldn’t use professional football or basketball as examples of “white privilege” because both of those sports — which provide players with fantastic salaries and incredible opportunities — are dominated by black athletes, and that doesn’t fit the narrative.

This kind of stuff is not educational, it’s not productive, and it’s not conducive to long-term social and civil stability — it’s divisive, it is harmful to our culture, and furthermore, those two effects are intentional.

Rush Limbaugh is right. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, to the extent she has the president’s backing and the authority to do so, should nuke the current public school structure and rebuild it from the ground up, with an eye towards keeping this kind of harmful “curriculum” out.

See more academic lunacy at

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.

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