LGBT BULLIES: Biological male sues women’s shelter for not allowing him in, because he pretends to be a woman

A crazy transgender person with a violent past has filed a lawsuit against a Christian shelter for abused women, located in Anchorage, Alaska, which he claims refused him entry simply because of his made-up gender identity.

But here’s the truth: Timothy Coyle, a 52-year-old headcase who now identifies as “Samantha,” is a biological male – and this means he has no business trying to set up shop at The Hope Center, the women’s shelter that he’s now suing for alleged “discrimination.”

According to reports, Coyle had previously been kicked out of nearby Brother Francis Shelter, which accepts both men and women (and apparently those with gender dysphoria), after he got into a drunken brawl with another shelter occupant. He then tried to move to The Hope Center, which sent him away with money for a taxi because he was in dire need of emergency medical care.

Though Coyle was referred to another shelter that accepts both men and women, he decided to return to The Hope Center and demand once again that he be allowed to stay. When he was turned away a second time, he apparently filed a complaint with the Anchorage Equal Rights Commission claiming that he was a “victim” of LGBT persecution.

His plan is to capitalize on a Trojan Horse bill forced through the Alaska legislature, in large part with the help of the corrupt American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which prohibits “discrimination” on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

“In other words, by simply putting on women’s clothes and calling himself ‘Samantha,’ a troubled man with a violent criminal past could be forced upon a Christian charity and the women it is trying to shield from violent men,” comments John Nolte for Breitbart.

Look out: Violent men everywhere will now claim transgender “rights” to gain access to more female victims

Even just 10 years ago, there wouldn’t have been a court in the land that would have taken such a case seriously. But because of Alaska’s “anti-discrimination” law, AO 96, Coyle apparently has legal bearing to move forward with his ridiculous complaint.

This is why Alaskan voters are being urged to rescind the law, which for all intents and purposes is just a Trojan Horse for deranged male aggressors to gain easier access to female victims by simply claiming that they’re also “females.”

As reported by Must Read Alaska, a movement is afoot to scrap such laws and restore order and decency to Alaska to prevent this type of thing from gaining a foothold.

Keep in mind that The Hope Center is a private institution, and Coyle’s lawsuit hinges upon “public accommodations.” This alone will likely kill his case, regardless. Still, the public needs to wake up and see the writing on the wall with stuff like this.

“A yes vote will restrict (transgender) access to public facilities such as bathrooms, locker rooms and now, it appears, battered women’s shelters on the basis of sex at birth, rather than gender identity,” reports Must Read Alaska about the new ballot initiative to overturn AO 96.

“It will allow private establishments such as businesses and religious organizations the right to make their own bathroom rules.”

As for The Hope Center, it will continue to do its best to only accept real women with legitimate shelter needs while maintaining a safe and therapeutic environment. The sad irony is that many of its shelter members have a past that involved horrible traumas at the hands of men like Coyle – which is exactly why he has no business being there.

“While not fully repealing the misguided law, our intent is to bring balance and create equal protections for people of faith who want to live and work in the public marketplace without fear of governmental intrusion and legal intimidation,” wrote Jim Minnery from the Alaska Family Council back in 2015 as part of an ongoing effort to repeal AO 96.

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