Arrogant, snooty Neil deGrasse Tyson mocks those who prayed for the child victims of school shootings

In the days and weeks following mass shootings like the one we saw in South Florida, it appears as though it’s not just the conservatives’ refusal to jump on the gun control bandwagon that drives the left wing up the wall; apparently, they don’t like when people pray for the victims either.

Last Friday, liberal astrophysicist and author Neil deGrasse Tyson published the following message on Twitter: “Evidence collected over many years, obtained from many locations, indicates that the power of Prayer is insufficient to stop bullets from killing school children.”

And how exactly does Neil deGrasse Tyson know that? Over the last few weeks, the liberals have been repeating the false statistic that there have been 18 school shootings thus far in 2018 – how does Tyson know that if it weren’t for people praying, there wouldn’t have been 20, 30 or even 50 shootings? In the case of the tragedy that occurred recently in Parkland, Florida, how does Tyson know that dozens more children wouldn’t have died if it weren’t for people praying? God works in mysterious ways, and for Neil deGrasse Tyson to say that prayer is ineffective is, quite frankly, shameful and offensive.

And it’s not just Neil deGrasse Tyson that has condemned prayer following a mass shooting; indeed, this is starting to become a pattern for the left. Following last year’s shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas, for instance, the Daily Caller compiled a list of liberal democrats that rejected the notion that our country should be praying for the victims and their families:

  • Teen Vogue blogger Lauren Duca wrote a rather nasty post on Twitter to House Speaker Paul Ryan: “There were plenty of prayers in the church where 27 people were gunned down today. What we need is gun control, you spineless sack of sh!t.”
  • Liberal author Stephen King wrote, “Enough with the prayin’. Time to start legislatin’.”
  • David Simon of HBO’s The Wire and Homicide: Life on the Street wrote, “Respectfully, #SpeakerRyan, you scrotally challenged wonder, those slain were praying in a church. Prayers are not a relevant intervention.”
  • Kaili Joy Gray, managing editor at the left wing, pro Hillary Clinton news organization Shareblue, wrote, “’Thoughts and prayers’ is just another way of saying ‘I literally give zero fucks.’”

Other leftists that wanted to make it clear that they were not okay with praying for the victims of the Sutherland Springs shooting included liberal comedian Chelsea Handler, liberal actor Wil Wheaton, movie critic Anthony Oliveira, and several others. Of course, if these leftists don’t want to pray for those who are killed in mass shootings, then that is their right. However, for them to publicly declare that praying is ineffective and make it sound as though those who do pray are somehow less serious about solving the problem of gun violence is simply not right. They should be ashamed of themselves.

Lastly, it’s worth noting that this country was founded on Christian-Judeo principles. While the liberals may not be comfortable accepting this reality, the fact of the matter is that prayer and a strong faith in God has always been embedded in the fabric of American society. If we move away from these principles (which it certainly appears we are) then it’s very likely that the United States will slowly begin to crumble before our very eyes.

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