Jimmy Kimmel comedy skit contains overt symbols of pedophilia, warns fellowship

When he’s not mocking the power of prayer, shedding fake tears on television over false flag shootings in a nauseatingly lame attempt to push the gun control agenda, or making fun of the parents of vaccine-injured children, late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel keeps busy airing a so-called “comedy” skit on his show that, as pointed out FellowshipOfTheMinds.com, is replete with blatant symbolism and not-so-hidden references to pedophilia.

Known as “Cousin Sal,” the recurring skit portrays Kimmel’s pretend cousin “Sal” playing pranks on people for cheap laughs. There have been “Cousin Sal” segments for everything from returning items at Costco to pranking runners in the Los Angeles Marathon. But it was an episode of “Cousin Sal” that first aired on May 14, 2015, that’s caught the attention of watchmen on the wall who noticed some deeply disturbing references to child rape.

Entitled “Cousin Sal’s Home Deliveries – Pizza,” the skit features “Cousin Sal” delivering a pizza to someone’s home, which Kimmel is seen explaining is part of the “Cousin Sal’s Home Deliveries” lineup of comedy sketches.

“From time to time we set hidden cameras up in a house and my Cousin Sal goes to the house and he orders things, and he performs acts of foolishness on the people who deliver the things to him,” Kimmel explains. “So this time we ordered a bunch of pizzas and we let Sal do every weird thing he could think of to the guys who delivered them.”

Several different pizza delivery guys (and one girl) showed up, and “Cousin Sal” threw one of the pizzas, rejected another, and in one case showed up to the door wearing slices of pizza and large pepperonis all over his body. At the conclusion of the skit, “Cousin Sal” dove onto the front lawn in his pizza suit, to which the audience laughed hysterically.

Hey, Kimmel: You’re a fraud and a pervert, and everyone with a functioning brain knows it

So what’s the big deal? The devil is in the details, as it usually is. As the first pizza delivery guy arrives, the camera focuses in on three pendants hanging outside of “Cousin Sal’s” front door. The two spirally triangle pendants look almost identical to the BLogo, a.k.a. “Boy Lover” logo identified by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as a reference to sexual relations with young boys. The middle pendant also looks like the LBLogo, a.k.a. “Little Boy Lover” logo that the FBI says indicates sexual relations with very young boys.

“Pedophiles … are using various types of identification logos or symbols to recognize one another and distinguish their sexual preferences,” the FBI explained in a January 31, 2007, publication of (U) Symbols and Logos Used by Pedophiles to Identify Sexual Preferences. “These symbols have been etched into rings and formed into pendants, and have also been found imprinted on coins.”

Why would Jimmy Kimmel feature these logos? To advertise to the world his support for pedophilia, and perhaps indicate that he’s a pedophile himself. This is further evident by the fact that the theme of the entire skit centers around pizza, which many readers will immediately recognize as being linked to the infamous “Pizzagate” scandal involving high-level politicians and other influential personalities.

“To the innocent, the wall hooks are just wiggly decorative wall hooks,” explains Fellowship of the Minds. “But not to pedophiles. They know that in the ‘Cousin Sal’ skit, Jimmy Kimmel was signaling to ‘boy lover’ pedophiles. That the home deliveries were for pizzas – the pedophile code word for little girls – is another Kimmel nod-and-wink to fellow pedophiles.”

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