The Left attacks SCIENCE, demands Trump-supporting scientist be PURGED from the American Museum of Natural History

Have you ever noticed that liberal democrats politicize things that no one in their right mind would ever think to make political? Immediately following a mass shooting, they skip the mourning process and go straight to talking about gun control. Barack Obama once used a speech he was giving to the military to push his radical climate change agenda. The NFL has become politicized too, and even fun holidays like Halloween – God forbid your child goes trick-or-treating dressed as Pocahontas.

In their latest move to politicize and ruin all that is fun and wholesome, the liberals are setting their sights on the American Museum of Natural History. If you’ve ever had a chance to visit, chances are politics didn’t even enter your mind; as a matter of fact, one of the main reasons why people visit places like the American Museum of Natural History in the first place is to get away from politics. But now, 182 self-proclaimed “scientists” (who are probably just liberal activists, let’s be honest) have penned an open letter to the AMNH urging them to turn away donors that don’t buy into the climate change hysteria.

“The American Museum of Natural History in New York (AMNH) is a treasured and influential institution,” the letter reads. “Museums must be protected as sites that build understanding, help the public make meaning, and serve the common good. We are concerned that the vital role of science education institutions will be eroded by a loss of public trust if museums are associated with individuals and organizations known for rejecting climate science, opposing environmental regulation and clean energy initiatives, and blocking efforts to reduce pollutants and greenhouse gases.”

The letter then goes on to call out certain organizations by name, stating that Rebekah Mercer and the Mercer Family Foundation (who are the primary financiers behind Breitbart News) have donated almost $6 million to “climate science denial projects” since 2008.

Of course, all of this has absolutely nothing to do with science or the integrity of the AMNH. These so-called “scientists” are probably well aware that people who visit the American Museum of National History don’t have politics on their minds while gazing into a display case at a dinosaur skull, but they penned this letter anyway as a way of viciously attacking those that they disagree with. (Related: Climate alarmists are demanding the imprisonment of climate change skeptics, and want to charge them with murder.)

Furthermore, just as a general rule of thumb, science and politics should never be mixed together. The former is supposed to use facts and objectivity to study what is, while the latter is about what ought to be. What we see the liberals do far too often is make science about what ought to be rather than about what is, usually as a means of advancing certain agendas like man-made climate change or the idea that there are more than two genders.

Last month, PJ Media reported on an event being held at UC Santa Cruz called “Research Justice 101: Tools for Feminist Science,” which essentially encouraged scientists to only pursue research that is socially just, even if they have to ignore the facts and evidence in the process. The description of the event explains that participants will be asked to consider a number of questions, such as “Who benefits? Who is harmed? Who is most vulnerable?… And ultimately, who do we do science for, and why?” It goes on to say that the event will give participants the resources that they need to make their research communities more “inclusive, equitable and attentive to social justice.”

Politics is important, but there are certain things that it just shouldn’t be mixed in with. Because if science is allowed to be politicized, then is it really science at all? Read for more news on real science.

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