Liberal professor claims eating meat perpetuates “hegemonic masculinity”

If you think that the liberals are content with just destroying the United States Constitution and nothing more, then you are sadly mistaken. From our most deeply held values to our traditions and customs, the progressives will not stop until they achieve their fundamental transformation, or perhaps to use a more accurate term, “fundamental destruction.”

One of the more recent things that progressives have voiced concerns over is what they consider to be “toxic masculinity.” If you are a male who believes in taking on the role of the provider, likes to go to the gym to lift heavy weights, or even enjoys sitting down for dinner with a nice juicy steak and a beer, then be warned: Liberals have a problem with your very existence.

Sadly, this twisted mentality is becoming more and more popular at colleges and universities across the country. Recently, a sociology professor at Pennsylvania State University by the name of Anne DeLessio-Parson argued in the Journal of Feminist Geography that “hegemonic masculinity implies an imperative to eat meat,” and that this contributes to other existing power hierarchies as well.

But DeLessio-Parson didn’t just make this ridiculous claim; she apparently studied it. In her study, Professor DeLassio-Parson conducted interviews with 23 vegetarians who live in Argentina in order to examine how these individuals deal with living in a country that is so “meat-centric.” She found that the actual act of being a vegetarian is a political statement. (Related: Read about an insane feminist who went on national television to argue that women can do no wrong and men are toxic.)

“The decision to become vegetarian does not itself destabilize gender, but the subsequent social interactions between vegetarian and meat-eater demand gender enactment – or resistance,” DeLessio-Parson wrote.

In an interview with Campus Reform, DeLessio-Parson explained that she first became interested in this topic after spending five years as a vegetarian in Argentina, where she worked as an English teacher and also worked closely with several community organizations.

“Women, one of the ways they push back against patriarchy, they say, ‘this is my body. You don’t get to tell me what comes in and out,’” she told Campus Reform. The sociology professor went on to say that even though many males living in Argentina “still have these very hegemonic masculinity traits,” men who are vegetarians “seem more egalitarian and respectful” and “more open about talking about how sexism exists.”

DeLessio-Parson ultimately concludes her study by stating that choosing to be a vegetarian can “destabilize not just gender, but also other hierarchies, and drive social change.” She continues, “If we can pay more attention to what we put in our bodies… we can create a better sense of peace in the world. Vegetarianism is a part of that.” (Related: For more on campus news, visit

Can’t men just sit down and enjoy a thick, juicy cheeseburger without having leftists and feminists link it to their warped agendas? Why does everything have to be connected to either race or genitalia?

What we are witnessing is a calculated, organized effort to destabilize gender norms and ultimately do away with masculinity. It is a movement that is starting to gain far more traction than it ever should have been allowed to gain. At Princeton University, for example, school administrators are currently in the process of hiring an “Interpersonal Violence Clinician and Men’s Engagement Manager,” who will be responsible for challenging gender stereotypes and dismantling “toxic masculinity.” (Related: A feminist professor says that science is racist because much of it was developed by white men.)

The Internet is replete with examples of feminists and left-wing institutions trying to destabilize the concept of masculinity, and readers are encouraged to seek this information out for themselves so that they can understand just how bad it is getting. In the meantime, men, grab your steak and a beer and retreat to your mancaves – taking this nonsense seriously isn’t worth your time anyway.

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