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The real goal of the intolerant Left is the outright extermination of conservative White culture (and elimination of the First Amendment)

It’s now perfectly clear that the real goal of the intolerant Left is the complete extermination of conservative White culture in America and the elimination of First Amendment rights for anyone who isn’t a Leftist.

This is now abundantly clear after the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, where radical left-wing protesters (Antifa) clashed with angry right-wing protesters, leading to 3 deaths and dozens of injuries. According to Leftists everywhere, young, white conservatives have no right to voice their grievances at all… even as they are demeaned, censored, slandered and vilified by the establishment Left.

Had those protesters been Black Lives Matters proponents instead of “Unite the Right” members, their right to protest would have been celebrated and even rejoiced by the mainstream media and the political establishment. According to the Left-wing status quo in America today, African-Americans, Muslims, women and LGBTQ community members all have the right to violently protest against anyone they want, but White conservative males are uniquely forbidden to exercise their First Amendment rights without being immediately labeled KKK, neo-Nazis, racists and bigots.

Along with this, Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are now systematically silencing all conservative voices for purely political reasons, either demonetizing accounts, shadow banning their visibility or censoring them altogether. This politically-motivated effort of Left-wing internet gatekeepers to silence conservative voices only leads, of course, to increasing frustration among those being suppressed. And this frustration is now focused into public rallies which are now one of the very few places where such voices can express their grievances.

Yet when the Governor of Virginia pulls the permit for the rally just minutes before it was scheduled to begin — and then unleashes Antifa and other radical Left-wing groups onto the streets like a mob of communist “cultural revolution” enforcers — it can only end in violence. This is exactly what happened in Charlottesville, where the Virginia Governor — an extremely corrupt puppet of the Clintons — engineered precisely the kind of violence escalation that the Left wants to see on the evening news so they can claim the moral high ground while seeking the outright extermination of conservative culture in America.

What the Left refuses to acknowledge is how such oppression and censorship will only lead to an ever more powerful rising up among oppressed conservatives. It seems obvious their numbers will only grow stronger, and they will begin to stage protests and rallies in more cities, very likely ignoring permits altogether (since such permits are a hoax anyway, as they are at first “approved” and then rescinded at the very last minute).

(For the record, I denounce the KKK, racism and violence against innocent protesters. At the same time, I also denounce the censorship, bullying and attempted extermination of history now being carried out by the Left, all of which has led to this escalation in the first place. Many of you may not know this, but I am Native American and my wife is an immigrant. I’m also on the record stating that we are all African-Americans because our ancestors were all African in origin, but this scientific, anthropological point seems to be hopelessly lost on everyone.)

By censoring the speech of conservatives, Google, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are pushing America toward civil war

This censorship of conservatives — combined with condemnation of them for becoming “radicalized” — will only escalate as long as the intolerant Left continues to silence and demonize the diverse viewpoints they don’t like. Far from the Left’s claim of wanting “coexistence” and diversity, the more brutal truth is that the intolerant Left demands obedience and conformity, offering no tolerance whatsoever for those who hold views the Left doesn’t like. For the record, very few voices on the far right are actually racist or bigoted, yet the Left throws all conservatives into the same category, instantly writing off their voices and grievances as if they have no right to exist. Simultaneously, the Left ignores all the violent radicals occupying its own extreme wing, pretending that those few individuals don’t represent Leftists, yet insisting that a handful of extreme KKKers somehow represent all of conservatism in America.

In this way, the intolerant Left has become a mob of bullies across America, denouncing and censoring conservatives, Whites, heterosexuals, Christians and males in particular, all while pushing its own deviant agenda of transgendered children, “normalization” of pedophilia and moral subjectivism. The weapons of the intolerant Left are social media bullying, internet censorship and street-level violence directed at police officers and conservatives. Remember the Black Lives Matter protest and the shootings of five police officers in Dallas? Remember the UC Berkeley Left-wing violence and death threats against conservative speaker Milo Yiannopoulos? Violence and intimidation are the weapons of the intolerant Left, and their ultimate goal is the complete extermination of conservative culture in America.

Cultural wipe out: Erasing history under the guise of “inclusiveness”

People tend to forget that the entire Charlottesville drama only unfolded after a Left-wing political decision to remove a Civil War monument dedicated to General Robert E. Lee, an historical hero of the then-confederate Army. According to the Left, Southern conservatives are not allowed to have their own war heroes, and all record of such figures must be memory-holed from history. It’s a kind of left-wing “ethnic cleansing” of history, aimed at abolishing any memory or evidence of Southern history and culture.

The extermination of White southern conservative culture doesn’t end there: Confederate flags have also been vilified and exorcised from the culture, and southern-speaking men are routinely vilified or mocked on Saturday Night Live or other Left-wing comedy shows that think nothing of demonizing a culture they hate. Take notice how the intolerant Left relentlessly equates “southern” with “racism,” directly stating that any who honor the war heroes of the Confederate Army are automatically racist KKK members, making them “bigots” who must be stripped of any right to free speech. The Left also insists the Civil War was fought over slavery when, in truth, it was far more about states’ rights — something now being aggressively asserted by California Leftists, ironically, who wish to secede from the union in order to govern themselves. (I say, go for it! Every state should be its own nation, and it’s time to abolish the tyranny of a bloated federal government altogether.)

The upshot is that the real goal of the enraged Left is to exterminate all conservative culture — especially that of the South — while silencing those individuals born out of such a culture. Conservative, White southerners are to be shunned, demonized, mocked, silenced and vilified at every opportunity. In essence, the intolerant Left denies conservatives’ right to exist by falsely equating conservatism with racism and bigotry. What more and more people are starting to realize now is that the real bigots of the modern age are found squarely on the Left, where open calls for “killing Whites” and “No Whites day” on college campi are frightening common. (Can you imagine the outcry if a university announced a “No Blacks day?”)

Echoes of the Third Reich’s strategy to exterminate Jews for being “inferior”

The last time we saw this played out was, of course, in the Third Reich, where one group of self-appointed “superior” people deemed another group unfit for survival. They carried out mass genocide against the Jews, first by stripping away their gun rights, then denying their right to engage in commerce or speech. It wasn’t long before the Nazi fascists packed railroad cars full of Jews to be shipped off for processing in the concentration camps. It’s no exaggeration to point out this is exactly what the Left wants for conservatives in America today. If they had a way to mass murder all White male conservatives, they would rapidly do so, even while carrying signs that read “Tolerance” and “Inclusiveness” as they beat conservatives to death in the streets.

And that’s why the resistance against this has become the new civil rights issue of our time: White culture’s attempt to defend their rights to self-expression and self-defense, even amid a torrent of violence and oppression by the new “tolerant” Left that, in practice, has no real tolerance at all (and has become overtly racist and intolerant in the process).

That’s how much things have turned 180 degrees. The new civil rights struggle in America will be fought by young, conservative White men who are being systematically oppressed and censored by an intolerant, dangerous Left-wing Ministry of Truth that controls the search engines, social media sites, video sites, late night television and movie industry. Their numbers are growing. Their anger is growing. And they cannot be destroyed by merely branding them “KKK” or “racists,” either. The vast majority of them are not KKK or even racists. They are merely tired of being oppressed in the same way that African-Americans were systematically oppressed through the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, 70s and 80s. In both cases, people want to be free and are willing to fight against oppression in order to achieve freedom.

My point of view in all this, in case you’re curious, is that I fully support the right of anyone to speak their mind, regardless of the color of their skin, their sexual orientation, religion or otherwise. I believe in free speech rights for everyone, including those with whom I wholeheartedly disagree. The Left does not understand this principle of tolerance, sadly, and they have decided that silencing their political enemies is their “new deal” for achieving a utopian society rooted in totalitarianism and censorship. We must all resist that dystopian vision for America, regardless of where we stand on the political spectrum.

Where this goes next: Suicide bombings carried out by young Americans?

Although it pains me to realize America is headed in such a direction, I couldn’t help but notice from the drone footage of the Charlottesville event that the high crowd density makes such events “perfect” targets for suicide bombers from either side of the extreme political spectrum.

Check out the crowd density yourself in the video below, and imagine that instead of just ramming people, some suicidal maniac fills his car with explosives and drives into a crowd, then detonates it. Instead of just one dead, you’d have a hundred dead. Note that this tactic could be used by either extreme Leftists or right-wing suicide bombers, depending on their intended target. (Bombs don’t discriminate. They just cause mass carnage.)

I have a nauseating feeling that this is where things are headed next. It seems to me that the Left’s extremism (and their calls for killing conservatives) combined with the extreme frustration of those on the right creates an almost “perfect storm” for escalating violence. At first, people were just flinging mean words at each other, then that quickly escalated to concrete-filled soda cans and the wearing of ballistic helmets. Now we’ve got a car used as a ramming weapon, and it’s not at all difficult to see violent Left-wing groups such as Redneck Revolt bringing AK-47s to these events in the near future.

Those AKs will, of course, be met by conservatives wielding AR-15s, and before long we’re in a shooting war while the cops are nowhere to be found (they seem to flee at the sight of Antifa protesters anyway, allowing left-wing extremists to wreak havoc on cities). From that, the next step is vehicle bombs and suicide bombs, either of which effectively put the United States of America into a state of open warfare where it’s “weapons free” in every engagement.

My sense is that unless the intolerant Left halts its campaign of censorship, oppression and attempted extermination of White culture across America, we’re only going to see ever-larger groups of Right-wing protesters joining forces and pursuing even more protests in more cities across America. It’s only a matter of time, I believe, before one of these conflicts devolves into a “weapons free” scenario in one way or another, during which Leftists will likely be slaughtered en masse for the simple reason that their firearms skills are laughably bad (and AK-47s are horribly inaccurate). From there, the Left probably stages a massive march on Washington to try to depose President Trump, which is met by the declaration of martial law and the end of freedom for everyone.

My message to all the frustrated youth taking part in these events is simply this: Be careful what you wish for. Because you just might lose your liberty and your country if you allow this to escalate out of control. Also remember: Whoever shoots first loses the narrative war. So hold your fire and chill out. Join the March On Google to demand an end to the techno-censorship of conservatives so that we can all discuss ideas rather than killing each other in the streets.

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