Here’s the REAL reason why the tech giants banned Alex Jones: They’re trying to steal the mid-term elections

The political elite in Silicon Valley, the left, and all their European and Chinese allies are attempting to influence the mid-term election and steal future elections by suppressing the independent media. Any content that goes against the left’s agenda, and the politicians they promote, is being purged from social media and search engines, such as Facebook and Google. This is the real reason Alex Jones’ Infowars has been attacked.

A majority of internet users navigate the internet using Google, Facebook, YouTube, Apple, Amazon, Twitter, etc. These tech monopolies use algorithms and so-called fact-checkers to control what the public can read, hear, and see in search engines, advertisements, and news feeds. In this way, these monopolies resort to manipulation and coercion to influence the masses. These monopolies already track your online activity and analyze your clicks, purchases, interests, and connections, to target marketing to you. These companies are building a psychological profile on all users, so they can best profit off your consumerism and manipulate your political beliefs.

When Apple, Facebook, Spotify & YouTube (Google) coordinated to ban Alex Jones’s popular InfoWars channel, they did so to suppress his voice. By de-listing, de-monetizing, and banning specific channels, Big Tech can possess a stronger grip over the minds of internet users. The purge of thoughtful, dissenting, conservative and/or libertarian channels is how the left seeks to rise to power. These Silicon Valley mind control tactics must be stopped by a people who believe in the freedom to think for one self. No one should be told to sit in the back of the bus because the color of their beliefs are deemed “lesser than.”

The informative InfoWars network has been credited for its role in spreading ideas during the last election cycle. In trying to control the narrative, the monopolistic tech giants are now desperately trying to shut down voices that promote the ideas they are opposed to.

In oppressive fashion, the big tech companies gain influence through manipulation, coercion, and force. In a free market, ideas spread freely and influence is gained through honest means. Big Brother Facebook and the Associated Press should not be policing the content of people’s online speech to ban those they don’t like and to manipulate how the masses vote and think.

In a market controlled by a handful of big tech companies, hate is sponsored because these monopolies have the power to suppress voices on their platforms that they are opposed to. The internet should be a neutral platform, where all political beliefs, facts, and opinions are presented equally. Force-feeding the public your ideas by suppressing others (like the big tech companies do) is a message that your beliefs and ideas have no merit.

The internet is not a free speech platform if monopolistic tech companies can control the news and information that the masses have access to. Interestingly, the same politicians who vouch for “net neutrality” are the same people who believe social media giants have the right to censor, shadow ban, or de-monetize platforms they don’t like or agree with.

Facebook and Google should be neutral platforms where ideas spread freely. Vague “hate speech” policies are used as a cover-up to shut down voices that the political elite don’t want people to hear. By law, these companies’ terms and agreements with users should not allow the company to discriminate against users based on the color of their beliefs. An elitist group of leftists in Silicon Valley should not be deciding through discriminatory practices the content that is accessible to millions of people. Big Tech are the ones promoting hate, forcing the “inferior” people and their ideas to the back of the bus.

Stay up-to-date on Big Tech censorship tactics at Censorship.News.

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